

时间:2023-07-23 03:32:01 文/秦风学 美文北考网www.beiweimall.com








  Two people together, if there is no understanding of each other, contradiction and break up is nothing but a matter of the morning and evening. Love is tolerance, no matter how good the person loves, how bad it is, it will be accepted one by one. It's time to say goodbye when you can't do it again.

  When we are just together, we do not consciously hide our shortcomings, enlarge our own advantages, so that the other party will not regret choosing to be with themselves. Perhaps the time we say in our mouth like, but is like my eyes to see the good. It's very superficial, but it's the only thing we can do for each other when we don't understand love at that time.

  As we hide our time longer and longer, we gradually relax, slowly and no longer care about our manners, and often expose our shortcomings when we are careless. At first, we can understand each other and tell ourselves not to care too much, because we still enjoy each other.

  Since both parties show no concern, they are becoming more and more unscrupulous in showing their true selves. Unfortunately, I can't get you like that. You start to point out my shortcomings, hope to correct it and turn back to the one you liked. I can't change it, because it's the real me. When you're tired of this endless quarrel, we break up.

  In the process of getting along, I see your shortcomings, but I never care, and even think that you are very good. I think you will have the same idea. Unfortunately, I overestimate your love for me. You like me all the time. As for the shortcoming of me, you can't accept it.

  Love is tolerance, it will love each other's good, and also love each other's bad. Not because the other person is too good and inferiority, and will not be because the other is too bad and disappointed. No matter how good the other is, how bad it is, as long as it is true, it will be unconditionally inclusive, but it is a real love.


  他和她原本是那个小学出去的学生 。






  He and she were originally the students out of that primary school.

  A few years later, she went back to that primary school as a private teacher. He went to primary school after the defeat of the college entrance examination.

  Everything is right and easy to produce love. When they were the old Chancellor as a matchmaker, the old Chancellor said there was no more matchmaker. They embarrassed red in the face.

  That year to support Gansu in remote mountainous areas of the education policy, age and seniority to coach in a certain period of time a few years can be turned into a public.

  They agreed to sign up and they were young. A lot of people don't want to go to that hard place.

  They arrived at the desolate town, that is they think of the poor. The cellar water often waft sheep flavor, potato is full of life. The yellow sand people everywhere could not open their eyes. But they are sweet. At the time, they sat against the fire, enjoying the happiness of two people. After the birth of his son, he was more of a person to bear two people's teaching task, but also to take care of her, but they were immersed in the unparalleled happiness.


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