

时间:2023-07-13 08:48:41 文/莉落 美文北考网www.beiweimall.com

  晨读经典美文分享 篇1

  My dream ended when I was born. Although I never knew it then, I just held on to something that would never come to pass. Dreams really do exist. But in the morning when you wake up, they are remembered just as a dream. That is what happened to me.


  I always had the dream to dance like a beautiful ballerina twirling around and around and hearing people applaud for me. When I was young,I would twirl around and around in the fields of wildflowers that grew in my backyard.


  I thought that if I twirled faster everything would disappear and I would wake up in a new place. Reality woke me up when I heard a voice saying, "I don't know why you bother trying to dance. Ballerinas are pretty , slender little girls. Besides, you don't have the talent to even be a ballerina." I remember how those words paralyzed every feeling in my body. I fell to the ground and wept for hours.


  We lived in the country by a nearby lake. I did not like to be at home.When my parents were home, my mother just yelled and criticized because nothing was ever perfect in her life. She dreamed of a different life but she ended up living in the country far away from the city where she believed her dreams would have come true.

  我们家住在乡下,附近有一个湖。我不喜欢待在家里,妈妈总是在家里大喊大叫着抱怨生活处处不如意。 她曾经梦想着能够住在城市里,只有在那里她的理想才能实现,而后来却住在这远离城市的乡下,这与她的理想大相径庭。

  I enjoyed hanging out by the water. I would sit there for hours and stare at my reflection. There I was, looking nothing like a pretty ballerina dancer. Reflections don't lie. Once the waves would come, my reflection was gone. Washed away just like my dream to dance.


  As I grew older, I began to realize that the reason my dream was even born, was because it was something that was. inside of me. The dream I had was never nurtured and cared for, so it slowly died. It's not that I wanted it to die, but I allowed it to die the day I started listening to the words, "You can't do it." When I finally woke up from many years of dreaming, I realized that you can't settle for dancing in the wildflowers, you have to move on to the platform。

  随着我的成长我开始明白之所以我的梦想会产生,是因为它就在我心里。而我从未培育和呵护过它,因此它慢慢地死去了。我并不想让它死去,但是从我听到“你办不到”这种话的那一天,我就放任了它的离去。最后,当我从多年来的梦想中醒来时,我才明白过来 你不能满足于在野花丛中跳舞,你必须设法到舞台上去跳。

  晨读经典美文分享 篇2

  Inside the Russian Embassy in London a KGB colonel pufTed a cigarette as he read the handwritten note for the third time. There was no need for the writer to express regret, he thought. Correcting this problem would be easy. He would do that in a moment. The thought of it caused a grim smile to appear and joy to his heart. But he pushed away those thoughts and tumed his attention to a framed photograph on his desk. His wife was beautiful, he told himself as he remembered the day they were

  married. That was forty-three years ago, and it had been the proudest and happiest day ofhis life,

  在伦敦的俄国使馆,一位克格勃上校一边抽着烟,一边读着一张手写的字条,这已是他第3次在读这张字条了口便条的作者不必表示遗憾了,上校这样想着。纠正这个错误其实很容易。他只要一会儿工夫便会做到。想到这里,他的脸上不禁浮现出一种可怕 的笑容,内心深处充满了快乐之情。上校从沉思中游离出来,将注意力集中到桌子上的'一个像框上,他的妻子是位美丽的女人,当想起他们成婚的那一天时他不禁自语道。那已是43年前的事情了'可却是他一生中最自豪最幸福的日子。

  What had happened to all that time? Why had it passed so quickly, and why hadn't he spent more ofit with her? Why hadn't he held her close and told her more often that he loved her?He cursed himself as a tear came from the comer ofhis eye, ran down his cheek, and then dropped onto the note. He stitTened and wiped his face with the back of his hand. There was no need for remorse or regret, he told himself. In a few moments he would join her and at that time would express his undying love and


  那些时候都发生了什么?为什么时光流逝得如此之快?为什么他没能将更多的时光用来陪伴她?为什么他没能将她搂紧,更多次地告诉她他爱她? 他于是开始诅咒起自己,泪水也忍不住夺眶而出,流过面颊,最后滴落在字条上。这时,他板起了面孔,用手背揩去了眼泪。已经没有必要来自责与悔恨了他对自己说道。很快他不就会与她团聚了吗?到那时,他将再向她表达他永恒的爱与忠心。

  After setting the note ablaze he dropped it into an ashtray and watched it burn. For a time the blaze cast moving shadows on the walls of the darkened room, then they nickered and died out. The colonel dropped the cigarette to the floor and ground it out with his heel, then clutched the photograph to his breast, removed a pistol from his pocket, placed the barrel in his mouth and pulled the trier. In the ashtray a small portion of the note remained. Where it had been wetted by his tear it had failed to bum, and on that scrap of paper were the words "died yesterday".

  他点燃了字条,将它扔进了烟灰缸中,看着它慢慢地燃烧起来。在火苗的映衬下,这间漆黑的屋子里的四壁一时变得影影绰绰。不一会儿 ,火苗成了星星点点,渐渐地熄灭了。上校把香烟扔在了地板上,用后脚跟将其碾灭,随后抓起照片放在自己的胸前。他从衣兜中掏出一把手 枪,将枪筒放进自己的嘴中,接着扣动了扳机。在烟灰缸中还残留着—小片字条,由于被上校的泪水浸湿而未能燃尽。在这块残片上有这样几个字“昨天去世”。

  晨读经典美文分享 篇3

  It’s a sin around here to not thoroughly enjoy every moment of every golden day. It’s embarrassing to answer, “Did you get out and enjoy the sunshine this weekend?” with “No, I stayed inside.” Co-workers frown and exchange suspicious looks; apparently I’m one of those rain-loving slugs. I tried lying, but my pale complexion gave me away. Another mark in rain’s favor is that my body doesn’t betray me when it’s cold and damp outside. Throughout the winter, people wear several layers, with perhaps several extra pounds here and there. In June I dig out my shorts to discover my thighs resemble cottage cheese.

  I dread buying a swimsuit, as consecutive horror and humiliation make me cringe in the dressing room. Even my tastebuds prefer the rain. When it storms outside, it’s time for steamy hot chocolate or even a soothing toddy. People devour hot, hearty meals, with lots of potatoes and savory sauces. This type of eating evaporates when the sun comes out; suddenly everyone offers salads and ice water and expects it to be satisfying. It’s time to publicly acknowledge that I love the rain. How it transforms my house into a cozy cave where I can spend the afternoon cooking and dreaming. It seems nobody else will admit to a love affair with the rain, nobody else will groan when it’s hot outside and join me in a rain dance. When the sun comes out I do greet it with a smile, slipping sunglasses to my purse and pulling a tank top out of my closet. Yet my comfortable sweaters and warm slippers beckon, making me wish for another wet, chilly afternoon. When the rain returns, I will grin even more. Am I the only one?

  在这样绚丽多彩的日子不出去尽情享受这美妙的时刻好像不合情理。当别人问“你周末出去享受阳光了吗?”,你如果回答“没有,我呆在家里了。”是很令人尴尬的。同事们皱起眉头并相互交换猜疑的表情,很明显我就是那种喜欢下雨天的懒蛋儿。我试图撒谎,但我苍白的脸色总会出卖我。 我喜欢雨的另一个原因是,当室外天气较冷且潮湿时,我的身体不会跟我作对。整个冬天,人们都穿着好几层衣服,可能这儿那儿的多重了几磅。在六月份我就翻出了短裤,结果却发现我的大腿就像白软干酪似的。

  我害怕买游泳衣,由于接二连三令人恐怖和丢面子的情形发生,使得我总是躲在更衣室里。 甚至我的味蕾也喜欢雨天,外面狂风暴雨时,正是吃热巧克力或者喝轻柔的棕榈汁的好时机。人们吞吃着丰盛的热肉、许多土豆以及风味极佳的调味品。等太阳出来了就不使用这种吃法了,猛然间每个人都吃沙拉以及冰水,认为这就能使人满意了。 现在我该公开宣布了:我喜欢雨,是它把我的家变成了一个温暖而舒适的小窝。我可以花整个下午的时间边做饭边胡思乱想。似乎没有其他人愿意承认喜欢雨,但在外面很热时,也没有人为加入我的祈雨舞会而感到犹豫。 太阳出来时我一样会笑脸相迎,把太阳镜塞进包里,从壁橱中取出紧身背心。然而我舒适的羊毛衫和温暖的拖鞋又在召唤我了,让我期待有雨而寒冷的下午再次到来。雨又回来时我甚至更为高兴。我是惟一一个这样的人吗?这篇材料你能听出多少?

  晨读经典美文分享 篇4


  An African farmer had heard tales about other farmers who had made millions of dollars by discovering diamond mines. These tales so excited the farmer that he could hardly wait to sell his farm and go prospecting for diamonds himself.


  So he sold the farm and spent the rest of his life wandering the African continent, searching unsuccessfully for the gleaming gems that brought such high prices on the markets of the world.


  Finally, broke, worn out, and in a fit of despondency, he threw himself into a river and drowned.


  Meanwhile, back at the farm, the man who had bought his farm happened to be crossing a small stream on the property one day when he saw something gleaming at the bottom of the stream. He picked it up. It was a sparkling stone - a good size stone - and, admiring it, he later put it on his fireplace mantel as an interesting curiosity.


  Several weeks later, a visitor admired the stone, looked closely at it, hefted it in his hand and nearly fainted. He asked the farmer if he knew what he'd found. When the farmer said no, that he thought it was just a piece of crystal, the visitor told him he had found one of the largest diamonds ever discovered.


  The farmer was astonished. He told the man that his creek was full of these brilliant stoneand his farmland was covered with them. Not all were as large, perhap as the one on his mantel, but they were sprinkled generously throughout his property.


  Needless to say, the farm the first farmer had sold, so that he could search for a diamond mine, turned out to be the most productive diamond mine on the entire African continent.


  The first farmer had owned, free and clear, acres of diamond but had sold them for practically nothing in order to look for them elsewhere.


  The moral is clear: If the first farmer hadonly taken the time to study and prepare himself - to learn what diamonds looked like in their rough state - and, since he had already owned a piece of land, to thoroughly explore the property he had before looking elsewhere, his wildest dreams would have come true.




  If each of us will only have the wisdom and patience to begin by exploring ourselve we will find that we contain all the riches necessary to be able to succeed in whatever endeavors to which we may set our minds and hearts.



  On Saturday, February 12 two thousand, two things happened that changed everything in my life. The first was that on this day my baby sister was married. She was twenty-six this day, and yet to me she was still my baby sister. I suppose that I pictured her as a little girl, and treated her like one in order to hold onto and 1)preserve my own youth. Until I saw her in her wedding dress I still had a vision of her with 2)chubby little cheeks and long, dark-brown 3)pigtails blowing in the wind, perhaps even a 4)permanent 5)smudge of chocolate around her pink lips. I guess it's true that you see only what you want to see. Where did this beautiful woman with the glowing 6)complexion and gentle curves come from?


  I was happy that day, and also sad. Gone were the days of me bossing her around and telling her what she should do with her life. My bossy behavior had earned me the nickname Lucy. If you are a Peanuts fan then you can clearly imagine my behavior as an older sister. To me it wasn't an 7)insult; I rather like the nickname Lucy. I happen to think that Lucy is strong and has incredible self-confidence, although she is a little 8)overbearing at times. I did my best to 9)live up to the standards 10)set forth by this dynamic cartoon character.


  I left the reception to get some air because suddenly I was overcome with grief at the realization that I was no longer a child. I went outside and walked to a nearby playground where there were children playing on the slide, the swings and digging in the dirt. There was a little girl 11)twirling around on a bar, one knee wrapped tightly around the bar and fashioned behind her knee. It was all I could do to sit there and just watch, for I too wanted to get on that bar with her and see if I could still hold the all-time twirling record (ninety-nine times in fifth grade). Somewhere inside I knew that I would break my neck, and I was wearing a 12)bridesmaid dress. Not exactly play ground material. And so I sat watching the children play. I'm not sure how long I sat there before my sister came and joined me. We talked about how we are grown up now and shed a few tears for our childhood days gone by. As she wiped a tear from my eye she lovingly said, "you'll always be Lucy to me." We hugged.

  我离开了婚礼现场,到外面去呼吸些新鲜空气。我突然伤感不已,因为自己已经不再是个孩子了。我走到外面,来到附近的一个运动场边,小孩子正在那里玩滑梯、荡秋千、玩泥沙。有个小女孩正在一个杠上快速地转动,一条腿紧紧地勾在杠上。而我所能做的只是坐在那里看看,我也想跟她一起玩,看看能否再重现当年自己转圈的最高记录(五年级时一次达到99次)。但我很清楚,这样我可能会扭断脖子。再说我正穿着伴娘服,不适合运动。于是我只好坐在那里看孩子们玩耍。不知过了多久,妹妹来到我身边。我们谈起自己已经长大了,并为逝去的孩童时光流下了泪。她替我擦干眼泪,充满爱意地说:“你永远都是我的露西。” 我们拥抱在了一起。

  My cousin Mike walked over and told my sister that it was time to cut the cake. And then he dropped bomb number two on me. "Hey, did you guys hear that Charles Schultz died today?" He said it like it was no big deal. He took my sister's arm and turned to head back for the reception hall. "Coming?" They asked. "In a minute." I replied, and sat back down on the bench, 13)dizzy from what he had just told me.


  Dead? How could Charles Schultz be dead? He was my creator! And though I have never met the man personally, he has always been like an invisible father to me. He did, after all, fashion a famous character after me. I lost so many things on this day. Innocence slipped away from me like a thief in the night: come and gone before I could do anything about it, taking with it all the treasures that I held most valuable in my heart. I felt myself grow up, all in one moment. Reality rushed in around me like a hurricane tide. There was nowhere to run to. All I could do was sit there and watch it destroy and reshape what had existed only a moment before. I was no longer a child. I was no longer Lucy who knew what was best for everyone else. I saw, for the first time, what I really was—a thirty-year old woman with a husband of my own, and soon, a child of my own.


  I allowed the tide to carry my sadness out with it. Take it out to sea, for it serves no purpose in my life. I stood up from the bench; a little taller than I was when I sat down. I turned and headed back to the hall, hoping I didn't miss the cutting of the cake. It was the day my sister grew wings of her own and left the nest. It was the day that Lucy died, and I was born.


  晨读经典美文分享 篇5

  Gump, gifted with a low IQ which lets him be adorably childlike even as he grows up, leads a very charmed life: a mother who loves him immensely and who sleeps with the school principal in order to make sure her child has the best education, a miraculous incident that eliminates the need for him to have braces for his legs, a childhood girlfriend who remains faithful to him till the end, surviving Vietnam with a medal, and, in general, a propensity for turning everything that happens to him into good.

  I wonder what the movie is trying to say. From one perspective, it implies that intelligence (as measured by IQs and the general idea of what "smart" is) is a very unnecessary trait. But I think one can look beyond that and say that childlike innocence, which can be considered stupid, has its rewards. Throughout the movie, Gump is in situations where he is harassed by other people but he never takes offense (except, of course, when his girl Jenny is being abused) at any of the insults thrown at him. He is indeed not completely stupid, even though he is portrayed as such, since he can re-assemble guns at high speed, run like crazy, play ping-pong like a maniac, and so on.

  The fact that Gump doesn't take offense, I think, is what keeps him content. He becomes a millionaire, but gives most of the money away. He is honest and open and this, along with his Alabama accent, endears him to the audience. But this gets tiresome after a while (especially after 2 hours). I thought the movie was overly long, but that's the only negative thing I have to say.

  The traditional male heroes that we have had are all dysfunctional in some respect or another and we are lost without heroes, as Bloom points out. Gump is a new kind of a role-model; he's A Nice Boy and everyone knows they're hard to find. As one reviewer said: "Today the last American hero is a Tom Hanks character with a small IQ".

  Forest Gump is the runaway hit movie of this summer.


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