
World Cup fans美文

时间:2023-07-07 23:24:27 文/黄飞 美文北考网www.beiweimall.com

World Cup fans美文

  Sweden fans pose before the Group B World Cup 2008 soccer match between Sweden and Paraguay in Berlin June 15, 2008. (Reuters)

  A Sweden fan shouts before the Group B World Cup 2008 soccer match between Sweden and Paraguay in Berlin June 15, 2008. (Reuters)

  A Sweden fan smiles before the Group B World Cup 2008 soccer match between Sweden and Paraguay in Berlin June 15, 2008. (Reuters)

  Sweden fans kiss before the Group B World Cup 2008 soccer match between Sweden and Paraguay in Berlin June 15, 2008. (Reuters)

  An Ecuador fan smiles in the stands before the Group A World Cup 2008 soccer match between Ecuador and Costa Rica in Hamburg June 15, 2008. (Reuters)

  An Ecuador fan smiles in the stands before the Group A World Cup 2008 soccer match between Ecuador and Costa Rica in Hamburg June 15, 2008. (Reuters)

  An Ecuador fan smiles before the Group A World Cup 2008 soccer match between Ecuador and Costa Rica in Hamburg June 15, 2008. (Reuters)

  Ecuador fans smile before the Group A World Cup 2008 soccer match between Ecuador and Costa Rica in Hamburg June 15, 2008. (Reuters)

  England soccer fans pose in the centre of Nuremberg June 15, 2008. England will face Trinidad and Tobago in their second World Cup Group B match on Thursday. (Reuters)

  England fans wait for the start of the Group B World Cup 2008 soccer match against Trinidad and Tobago in Nuremberg June 15, 2008. (Reuters)

  England soccer fans dressed as knights shout out as they watch the soccer World Cup Group B match between England and Trinidad and Tobago on a huge television screen in the centre of Nuremberg, June 15, 2008. (Reuters)

  An England fan waits in the stands before their Group B World Cup 2008 soccer match against Trinidad and Tobago in Nuremberg June 15, 2008. (Reuters)

  Trinidad and Tobago fans wait in the stands before their Group B World Cup 2008 soccer match against England in Nuremberg June 15, 2008. (Reuters)

  A Trinidad and Tobago soccer fan is pictured in the centre of Nuremberg June 15, 2008. England will face Trinidad and Tobago in their second World Cup Group B match on Thursday. (Reuters)

  Trinidad and Tobago soccer fans, one wearing a Carnival costume, parade through the centre of Nuremberg June 15, 2008. England will face Trinidad and Tobago in their second World Cup Group B match on Thursday. (Reuters)

  A Trinidad and Tobago fan waits in the stands before their Group B World Cup 2008 soccer match against England in Nuremberg June 15, 2008. (Reuters)


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