
双语美文赏析:Super Bike

时间:2023-07-18 17:02:38 文/马振华 美文北考网www.beiweimall.com

双语美文赏析:Super Bike

  Super Bike超级自行车

  Our neighbours across the road have a son that has Asperger's and is getting extremely large. I work in a hospital so there are many sights that make your heart crack and I couldn't help feeling I have to help. 马路对面的邻居家有个儿子,他患有阿斯伯格综合症,随着年龄的增长也变得越来越魁梧。我在一家医院工作,所以经常会看到很多让人心碎的场景,每当这时我都情不自禁去帮助他们。

  I talked it out with my partner and said 'I've put this this wheeler push bike on layby for Louchy what do you think it's $1200 '??? He said if you want and if you get stuck I'll help you and he did. 我把这事告诉了我的工作伙伴,“我把一辆自行车停在了路旁停车处作为闲置,它看起来值1200美元吗???”他说,如果你需要我帮忙或是遇到了困难,我会帮助你。他确实也这么做了。

  Christmas Day the neighbours came over for Xmas lunch and got more than they bargained for. It's a ripper of a feeling every now and again seeing the 3 of them push bike riding.圣诞节那天,邻居们过来一起共进了圣诞午餐,并且花了比还价后的`价格还低的价钱获得了那辆自行车。现在每次看到邻居家一家三口骑着那辆自行车就觉得异常的高兴。


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