

时间:2023-07-22 22:42:48 文/马振华 美文北考网www.beiweimall.com


  I am currently on a massive adventure with my family: we are seven months into a year-long trip around Australia.


  Coaching and traveling can bring up the same opportunities to shift long-held beliefs and ways of being.


  When we sit down with a coach of any kind, it is because we want to achieve a particular goal in our lives, be it work, relationships, wellbeing or something else.


  When we travel, we want to achieve a particular goal, be it experiences, connections, expansion or relaxation.


  When we are travelling, we find ourselves in new places and new spaces, physically and internally; it is the same with coaching.


  As travelers, we have to look at things in a different way; we need to draw on inner resources -- resources we may not have ever tapped into before. This builds inner confidence in other areas of our lives.


  When we travel, we have to be willing to look at things in a new way, a different way. We need to see things from another perspective and work with what is right in front of us, not with what we hope it to be.


  One of the foundations of life coaching is knowing where you are starting from -- what is working in your life and what is not working -- and using that starting point to chart a course to where you need to go.


  As a roaming traveler, you do not have room for extra baggage: extra baggage wears you down emotionally and physically, a weight you do not need. Coaching allows us to uncover baggage we may not even know we have.


  When traveling with others (as we are in life), we have to forgive quicker, let go longer and generate compassion to ourselves and others, as a group/family dynamic can be as changeable as the wind.


  When we move from one place to another we experience movement: I was in a different place yesterday to where I am today; tomorrow I can be somewhere completely different again.



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