

时间:2023-07-22 05:42:04 文/秦风学 美文北考网www.beiweimall.com


  The Greatest Show on Earth

  by John Deegan

  On the 9Th of June the greatest show on earth kicks off。32 teams from all over the world will take part in footballs most treasured prize THE WORLD CUP。After 4 years of preliminary rounds we are now down to the serious business and 4 weeks of excitement and of course we all have our favorite teams。

  Their will be arguments in hotels in pubs,at parties in restaurants and at work but as soon as the first ball is kicked the world comes to a stand still。Countries stop work streets are empty everyone is watching a TV at work in the home in a restaurant on on a big screen set up outside and cheering their team。Their will be joy and tears for the next 4 weeks while we watch the greatest game of all and the drama unfold like a movie。

  Now the big question who will win:OK i will now put my neck on the chopping block my picks are。

  Winners Brazil the number 1 ranked team in the world with the worlds best 3 players its hard to go past them to win their 4Th world title。 England is my 2ND pick because their my home country sentimental reason and after a 40 year wait it might be there tournament。

  Team to watch out for Ivory Coast,this team has a lot of individual flair and will do the unexpected。

  Player of the tournament Wayne Rooney this boy is 20 years old (if fit)will in many peoples mind become the best player in the world this could be the start of his dominance in football。

  The team everyone wants to avoid Argentina。On there day can beat anyone have a very good team understanding。

  Top goal scorer Ronaldo Brazil。Has been the top scorer at the last 2 world cups can do it again。

  Top Player Ronaldinio Brazil。Has been the worlds number 1 player and can turn a game on his own。

  And the dark horse to cause the surprise of the tournament is Switzerland。Very good football team can be the surprise of the tournament。

  For the next 4 weeks read my comments on all the excitement at the World Cup。


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