

时间:2023-07-18 20:41:54 文/李盛 美文北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Yao Ming in Shanghai for NBA game

  Basketball fans paint cartoon figures of Yao Ming, a Shanghai native and an NBA player, on walls in the Yao Ming Basketball Park in the city October 12, 2004. Yao will lead his team, the Houston Rockets, to the park for charity activities Wednesday afternoon. The Rockets will play the Sacramento Kings in Shanghai and Beijing on October 14 and 17 respectively, the first ever NBA games in China. [newsphoto]

  A fan paints Yao Ming"s number on the wall, besides his cartoon picture in the park. [newsphoto]

  A Yao Ming cartoon is painted on the wall in the park. [newsphoto]

  Yao"s house, another cartoon in the park. [newsphoto]

  Yao Ming"s hand prints are displayed in the park


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