

时间:2023-07-12 11:38:40 文/王明刚 美文北考网www.beiweimall.com


  The process of causing water molecules in the food to resonate at extremely high frequencies and to convert to steam actually causes the chemical structure of the food to change. This causes food to lose almost 100% of its nutritional value, and it alters the taste completely. Using a microwave to warm baby formula or breast milk is also a bad idea because it destroys almost all of the natural nutrients and goodness found in breast milk, and it also converts trans-amino acids to biologically inactive (synthetic) cis-isomers. It destroys antibodies and bacteria-digesting enzymes that naturally occur in breast milk. An amino acid known as L-proline converts to d-isomer, which is both neuro- and nephrotoxic (causes nervous system and kidney damage).

  Our bodies cannot break down the foreign by-products which are created when food is microwaved. Nutrients and vitamins in the food are either severely altered or even destroyed completely, rendering the food void of any nutritional value. Food prepared in microwaves has also been known to cause intestinal and stomach tumours. Cancerous cells in the blood have also shown a remarkable increase in those who consume microwaved food on a regular basis. Even thawing foods out in a microwave is dangerous, as it leads to the formation of carcinogenic substances in the food.

  Chemical products from plastic, Styrofoam and even paper food containers are known to leech into food when they are microwaved in these containers. BPA is one of the main culprits, which causes hormonal imbalances, lowered sperm count in men and various forms of cancer.

  Other side effects of consuming foods prepared in a microwave include memory loss, emotional instability, long-term brain damage, a severely weakened immune system, altered male and female hormone production and decreased levels of intelligence.

  A recent study has also shown that microwave frequency radiation affects the heart, causing symptoms such as chest pains and irregular heartbeat rhythms.

  Those regularly using microwaves have been known to experience a host of symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes, headaches, dizziness, nausea, vision problems, frequent urination and extreme thirst, night sweats, insomnia, appetite loss and other sleep disturbances. Increased cholesterol levels, decreased haemoglobin levels and a decrease in both red and white blood cell levels have also been reported.




  微波的时候,盛装食物的`塑料袋,发泡胶甚至是纸制容器中的化学物质也已经证实会逸散至食物当中,对健康产生危害;常见的 BPA (酚甲烷) 就是其中一种化学物质,不仅会造成人体的内分泌失衡、减少精虫的数量,甚至还会导致各种癌症。




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