
Talking to Babies双语美文

时间:2023-07-18 05:47:29 文/刘莉莉 美文北考网www.beiweimall.com

Talking to Babies双语美文

  Talking to babies is really a funny thing. Somebabies like you talking to them, although they don’t understand what you say orthey can not say anything. When you talking, they react to you in their ownways. When they grow to about a year old, they learn to talk. At that time,they can’t talk clearly. After that, it’s the golden age for them to learn totalk. Mostly, they copy what their parents say, word by word, phrase by phraseand sentence by sentence. Therefore, when you talk to them, they can talk toyou, too. It’s so funny in this stage. Besides, you should care much about whatyou say, because their learning abilities are so good. Therefore, you can’thave bad influence on them.



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