

时间:2023-07-22 06:03:13 文/马振华 美文北考网www.beiweimall.com

  When spring is beautiful, summer is the expression of enthusiasm, autumn is devoted to harvest, in winter, his heavy but light footsteps quietly come.

  The winter in the south seemed less obvious than the north, and it was so cold that he came to us with the warmth of the cold.

  This winter seems to come later than usual, but colder than ever...

  Winter is poetic. We can breathe the air of "cold fragrance", sigh qingsong strong, look for "the corner number of plum, ling cold alone" mood. Yes, it's the poetry of winter.

  Winter is beautiful. "Like night of spring breeze comes suddenly, thousand trees critics, pear flower open" describes the beauty is in the south could not see, can be in winter thick atmosphere, eyes as if with a projector, elegantly beautiful skirts, immersive... Yes, it's the beauty of winter.

  In winter, it is simple. The bustling streets have become sparsely populated in the winter. People walking down the street also changed their bright spring clothes into heavy, warm coats. Perhaps winter should be plain.

  It's cold in winter. This year, the winter wind may have made a bet with the sun -- whoever takes off the overcoat on the street will win. The winter wind may blow for victory. It's so hard for people to wrap their coats around themselves and not even go out... It's really cold in winter.

  Now we finally know why the differences between southerners and northerners are so different -- so much so that there are so many differences in the natural environment. It is cold in the south, but it is cold in the north. Winter hone the will of the people of the north, robust northerners bodies, brought hope and look forward to the north, and the role of in the south but not so big, after all is because colder than the south, north... Think of a word: let the storm come more violently! There is another word -- if winter comes, can spring be far behind?











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