
Love is a verb的美文

时间:2023-07-09 07:24:21 文/孙小飞 美文北考网www.beiweimall.com

Love is a verb的美文

  Do you ever think about words how they are used? They are some words that can be used in many different ways. Depending upon how you use the words, it could have several different meanings.

  Love is an example of this. Of course, love is an emotion that can come and go, but it is also a verb. If you really love someone, you invest that person and that requires acts of love.

  Saying I love you is wonderful, but showing someone that you love him or her, well, you’ve heard the phrase “actions speak louder than words”. I believe it.

  So what kinds of things do you do that mean I love you?

  You can hold your grandma’s hand;

  You can brush children’ hair or give them a hug;

  You can polish the dirty shoes;

  You can put “have a good say’ note in your husband’s briefcase.

  There are always things we can do to show our affection. But it is not just the actions, the heart behind those actions that contain a lot.

  Think about that next time when you want to show some people how much you love them.

  Talk about it:

  Do you believe that actions speak louder than words? What are some examples of these? What have you done to show someone that you love him or her? What has someone ever done to show his or her love for you too? How does that make you feel? Have you ever committed a random active kindness? Has a stranger ever helped you under a difficult situation? What do you think it is the stronger emotion: love or hate? Can a marriage be successful without love?


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