

时间:2023-07-21 23:16:23 文/莉落 美文北考网www.beiweimall.com


  The whole life is to experience the experience of lovelorn, because the love of love is to make you find better.


  This is the time to dress uniforms thought and trust, but a long time, gradually we don't have any affection for security, the distance of each other on such a day defeat to reality, everyone's experience is a good example of twists and turns, repeat the history.


  My mother is a very clever girl, what is what my grandmother said at least, he is very hard, when the mother school grades are excellent, but for a grandma came from her brother's brother to go home, the mother left school at 15, to maintain the uncle weaving factory inside the work school. The young mother, at that time ignorant, because the grandmother beside mother and uncle want to get together, what all don't understand the mother so uncle gave five years of youth, after school uncle, uncle to say what you think, with close relatives can not reason together, refused he raised more than 20 years of mother's thought, but in need of help the mother to go to school, but the selfish accepted me to pay for his mother. Okay, wait until the mother was, the better father, father is an honest man, because not tall, the family was poor, the old five year old mother, father and mother are pragmatic, in order to let the children have a better life, we will raise the bear bitter hardships sisters, father perennial wandering in a foreign country. In order to make more money, let the home become better.


  Anyway, that my uncle, the first is to urban hukou, and a general appearance of the girls engaged, met a beautiful and Hukou aunt, resolutely abandoned his fiancee, married aunt thought with old grandmother lived a happy life, but because of a body disease, God deprived young life, the beautiful aunt took my little brother remarried, after a divorce, is also a desolate life.


  In this fragile history of love, mother is happy, at least no matter what life meets, father is his pillar. There are two baby woman her intimate jacket. Remember that a high moment, Chinese teacher said, parents are the most difficult, there are old here are small, back lying in his mother's arms, the mother asked the mother, her smiling face flower, happily said: "I am very happy, love my husband and two baby my daughter, the body is also very good." Mother's life is hard and happy.


  In fact, I am a person just like mother, in my ignorant youth, have let me pay the youth, when both sides parents in his undergraduate are met, are quite love, but in the morning he told his mother of success, clear that do not agree with our marriage, all of a sudden, it is fun, a bolt from the blue, rhetoric is the fortune teller said I wasn't good for him, we talked in this statement are not three years, but after the examination came out, people are selfish, but he is also wavering don't know what to do.


  Although I understand his wavering, but is not able to forgive, I pay the youth for you, this is just the time length to that school dress, but the reality is you swing to let me disappointed, I want very simple, at least when I need you to I am a shoulder, the entire incident, I did a little bit wrong, but your mother said that, your mother crying when, at least your father patted the shoulder, then I do, where are you?


  Who is perhaps that we, in the memory of youth, of our friends the sustenance of campus love blessing, but in this graduation season, wisteria flowers of the season, say goodbye.


  I do not know how to face the future life, dear, you appear, so that my entire youth, are you always silently behind me, hold on, remember you and I said a word, I love the song "until finally you" Okay, I didn't give up.


  All the lovelorn is for the better.


  To those who are like me for love, to pay the whole youth.


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