
My View On Second-hand Junk英文美文

时间:2023-07-12 11:53:36 文/黄飞 美文北考网www.beiweimall.com

My View On Second-hand Junk英文美文

  Second-hand junk generally refersto buying used goods or cargo.The used relative to the primary goods are not sold and used.Most used goods once are used, sothe price will be lower than the new item, such as second-hand cars. But there are exceptions, such as works of art or limited edition items like collectibles. These collections are not used, therefore the second-hand prices maybe higher than the primary prices, just like antique tables.


  Around the world, there are specialized acquisition and resale of second-hand goodsshop, they usually put in cash to acquire goods which is sold by customers,then sold a higher price than the buying prices. The shopper relies on the price difference tobe profitable. On rare collectibles, the recovery price and the resale price may be higher than the original price.


  Secondary market is a place that people sell and buy the old things, in which some have eight almost new goods, but only sell half the original price,so it is very popular. Therefore, many people deal with old objects in the secondary market. Meanwhile many people go to thesecondary market to clean out something still used .It can be considered a good way to save money.



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