
美文欣赏:Tonight no moonlight

时间:2023-07-15 19:37:12 文/阿林 美文北考网www.beiweimall.com

美文欣赏:Tonight no moonlight

  Tonight, no moonlight

  The stars, a special

  Special light flashing, also.

  The night quietly, I,

  Depending on the heard

  The stars of miss softly.

  In the guidance of an angel.

  The spring of the mountains and plains of the moon,

  Coming and will be coming.

  I'm thinking, the glittering

  The stars,

  Also want to go to there to shine

  You! Know no, they are

  To the moon in a quiet

  At night, put its thinking about the moon

  Because, on the moon

  With their dreams.

  also can put their own light.

  Tonight, no moonlight

  The stars, a special

  Special light flashing, also.

  The night quietly, I,

  Depending on the heard

  The stars of miss softly.


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