

时间:2023-07-13 09:43:52 文/张东东 励志北考网www.beiweimall.com




  Book 18 Discover What You're Best At by Linda Gale 《做最好的自己》琳达·盖尔

  Join the ranks of the more than half-million people who have discovered their true talents and made successful career choices with Discover What You're Best At. Now this bestselling career guide has been revised for the twenty-first century, including valuable new information on the skills in demand in electronic communications, medical technology, and other high-tech fields.

  The book's unique National Career Aptitude System enables you to identify not only your interests but also your innate talents and potential skills, and then to match your career strengths to dozens of the more than 1,100 jobs described in detail.


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