
电影《长城》英文推广曲《Battle Field》

时间:2023-07-16 04:13:30 文/刘莉莉 励志北考网www.beiweimall.com

  《Battle Field》是由张靓颖演唱的电影《长城》的推广曲,歌曲于2016年11月22日正式发布,下面为大家简单介绍一下这首歌曲,希望大家喜欢!


  Maybe I'm not enough

  I can't give you what you need anymore

  Maybe it's just my luck

  That I got less than what I bargained for

  So if what you feel is no longer real

  I can just walk away

  But don't leave me hangin'

  If you're unsure no more back and forth

  Can you help me

  Tell me what I'm fighting for

  Please just tell me

  You can be honest if I'm fighting on my own

  I can't live if I'm on this battlefield alone

  Maybe I'm not as tough as I used to be

  It's getting to be too much

  I would rather you just set me free

  So if what you feel is no longer real

  I can just walk away

  But don't leave me hangin'

  If you're unsure no more back and forth

  Can you help me

  Tell me what I'm fighting for

  Please just tell me

  You can be honest if I'm fighting on my own

  I can't live if I'm on this battlefield alone

  Like a battlefield

  I'm on this battlefield alone

  Battlefield alone


  《Battle Field》作为电影《长城》的推广曲,诠释了影片中无影禁军的精神内核。整首歌曲唯美,而不俗套,“靓”式情歌解锁新唱法,恰如其分的诠释,令人动容,画面感十足,仿佛在向人们娓娓道来一个古老而伟大的故事。没有繁复的歌曲结构,《Battlefield》凭借简单的钢琴拉开帷幕,人声撑满全场,直至尾声强烈的鼓点与弦乐加入,与人声呼应,又以纯人声作为结尾,仿佛“战场”上硝烟后的寂寥,唯美而凄然。歌曲整体的恢弘大气与张靓颖对整首歌曲情绪的把控相得益彰。张靓颖的动情开嗓,“Tell me what I'm fighting for ”,仿佛与将士们的隔空对话。



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