
玛丽亚凯莉励志歌曲《Through the rain》

时间:2023-07-18 23:58:03 文/李盛 励志北考网www.beiweimall.com

  Mariah Carey - Through The Rain

  When you get caught in the rain

  With no where to run

  When you're distraught and in pain

  Without anyone

  When you keep crying out to be saved

  But nobody comes and you feel so far away

  That you just can't find your way home

  You can get there alone

  It's okay, what you say is

  I can make it through the rain

  I can stand up once again on my own

  And I know that I'm strong enough to mend

  And every time I feel afraid

  I hold tighter to my faith

  And I live one more day

  And I make it through the rain

  And if you keep falling down

  Don't you dare give in

  You will arise safe and sound

  So keep pressing on steadfastly

  And you'll find what you need to prevail

  What you say is

  And when the rain blows

  As shadows grow close don't be afraid

  There's nothing you can't face

  And should they tell you

  You'll never pull through

  Don't hesitate

  Stand tall and say

  I can make it through the rain

  And I live once again

  And I live one more day

  And I can make it through the rain

  (Ohhh yes you can)


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