
励志歌曲推荐:《who says》

时间:2023-07-20 14:56:41 文/黄飞 励志北考网www.beiweimall.com




  You made me insecure 你让我没安全感

  Told me I wasn’t good enough 你告诉我我不够好

  But who are you to judge 可是你有什麼资格批评我呢

  When you’re a diamond in the rough 你自己也是未经打磨的钻石

  I’m sure you got some things 我知道你一定有才华的

  You’d like to change about yourself 你会想改变自己

  But when it comes to me 不过如果你问我

  I wouldn’t want to be anybody else 我不想作除了自己的任何人Na na na

  I’m no beauty queen 我不是美丽女皇

  I’m just beautiful me 我只是美丽的我

  Na na na

  You’ve got every right 你拥有每个权利

  To a beautiful life 去活得漂亮

  Who says 谁说

  Who says you’re not perfect 谁说你不完美

  Who says you’re not worth it 谁说你不值得

  Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting 谁说只有你在伤心

  Trust me 相信我

  That’s the price of beauty 这就是美丽的代价

  Who says you’re not pretty 谁说你不漂亮

  Who says you’re not beautiful 谁说你不美丽

  Who says 谁说It’s such a funny thing 这真的很有趣

  How nothing’s funny when it’s you 当所有事和你有关就变得有趣

  You tell ‘em what you mean 你告诉他们你是什麼意思

  But they keep whiting out the truth 不过他们一直扭曲事实

  It’s like a work of art 就像一件艺术品

  That never gets to see the light 永远无法面世

  Keep you beneath the stars 让你一直在星辰下

  Won’t let you touch the sky 不让你触碰天空Na na na

  I’m no beauty queen 我不是美丽女皇

  I’m just beautiful me 我只是美丽的我

  Na na na

  You’ve got every right 你拥有每个权利

  To a beautiful life 去活得漂亮Who says 谁说

  Who says you’re not perfect 谁说你不完美

  Who says you’re not worth it 谁说你不值得

  Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting 谁说只有你在伤心

  Trust me 相信我

  That’s the price of beauty 这就是美丽的代价

  Who says you’re not pretty 谁说你不漂亮

  Who says you’re not beautiful 谁说你不美丽

  Who says 谁说Who says you’re not start potential 谁说你没有巨星潜质

  Who says you’re not presidential 谁说你没有当总统的潜能

  Who says you can’t be in movies 谁说你不能拍电影

  Listen to me, listen to me 听我说,听我说

  Who says you don’t pass the test 谁说你不会及格

  Who says you can’t be the best 谁说你不能做最好的

  Who said, who said 谁说过, 谁说过

  Won’t you tell me who said that 你会告诉我谁说过吗


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