

时间:2023-07-16 22:36:15 文/李盛 励志北考网www.beiweimall.com

  James blunt-one of the brightest stars

  Suede-Saturday night

  Duran duran-Perfect day

  Johnny cash-Give my love to rose

  The cure-love song

  Leonard cohen-dance me to the end of love

  Death cab for cutie- I will follow you into the dark

  Club8-love in December

  Kings of convenience-I’d rather dace with you

  Maximilian hecker-Rose

  Jack Johnson-Better together

  Louis amstrong-Fallin love with you

  Nat kingcole-When I fall in love

  Jet-Falling star

  Beatles-love me do


  John lennon-Love

  Belle&Sebastian-song for sunshine

  Trembling blue stars-nobody but you

  Razorlight-Who needs love

  The wannadies-you and me song

  Kent-quiet heart

  The cardigans-love fool

  Feist-my moon my man


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