

时间:2023-06-14 20:20:59 文/张东东 口号北考网www.beiweimall.com

  1、Creating the best class,do your best

  2、Hard music school,unity and hard work

  3、Unity of tension,hard work ahead

  4、I believe my self—discipline,do not give up to succeed

  5、Assertive discipline,truth—seeking and innovation

  6、Be the master of study

  7、Fly my English dream

  8、Do our best,enjoy ourselves

  9、More English,more fun

  10、Class Rong L,class shame my shame

  11、Luck favors the prepared mind

  12、The success like the struggle of the people

  13、If winter es,can spring be far behind?

  14、Dare and the world always yields

  15、To pull together in times of trouble,split the waves move

  16、Nothing is difficult to the man who will try

  17、Speak English,sing English We are happy

  18、Happy English,happy life I believe I can do!

  19、Everybody speak English,the world will be nicer

  20、Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it

  21、Rigorousness replaces loose,action instead of desire

  22、Learn to live to learn,to challenge themselves until success

  23、Promise little,but do much

  24、Where there is a will,there is a way

  25、If you think you can,you can

  26、The more noble,the more humble

  27、Time lost cannot be won again

  28、Time past cannot be called back again

  29、Truth never grows old

  30、No pains,no gains

  31、Never say die,never give up

  32、Do not be shy,just have a try

  33、Study Stop happily,Add Stop easily

  34、The more you speak,the better you will be!

  35、There is no royal road to learning

  36、The greatest talkers are always least doers

  37、Self confident,unremitting self—improvement

  38、Tomorrow never comes

  39、Nothing seek,nothing find

  40、One never loses anything by politeness

  41、Impossible is nothing just do it!

  42、Happy English,happy life

  43、To do the most,to show the best

  44、English paradise,our world

  45、With diligence and persistence,change the old

  46、Grasp now,battle today

  47、Struggle to create miracles,struggling to write brilliant

  48、I am confident I'm,I tried my success

  49、Line and color,draw the most glorious life

  50、To conquer self does not concede, college entrance examination field show their skills


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