

时间:2023-06-15 05:21:52 文/王明刚 口号北考网www.beiweimall.com


  time team snowman team

  Happy class, happy English! We are the future! We can do the best! sunny teamtree team

  Fly, fly, let your dream fly!Study happily, happy everyday! dream teamseven o'clock team

  Never give up,never give in, yes, we can! Yes, you can! Seven o'cl

  ock, go forward! golden team climb team

  I can, you can, everybody can, we all can be NO.1! Who's the winnerWe are the winners!

  kite team

  Be good! Do right!

  green team

  Green team, go on moving!

  jump team

  I can, you can, everybody can, we

  all can be NO.1!


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