

时间:2023-06-14 01:09:13 文/秦风学 课文北考网www.beiweimall.com

  小王子主要内容英文 篇1

  "Little Prince" tells the story both beautiful and sad: the pilot, "I" because the plane broke down and forced to land away from the densely on the sub, when a fascinating and mysterious little boy appears, and stubborn to ask "I" to his paintings like a lamb. He is the Little Prince, purity, depression, from the solar system in an unknown asteroid, love to ask questions of other peoples problems are never answered. Prince in the small and medium-sized secret chat gradually opened up, he is with his beautiful, proud Rose disputes have taken place before the feelings of the负气away. He was roaming the middle of the planet, respectively, visited the King, conceited people, drunkard, a businessman, even to light lamps and geographer of the planet, and finally fell to the earth, trying to find to alleviate the loneliness and pain remedies.


  小王子主要内容英文 篇2

  The narrator is a pilot, and he tells the reader at the beginning of the story that he cant find a person in the adult world for a speculator, because the adults are too practical.

  Then, the pilot talked about the story that he met the little prince in the Sahara Desert six years ago. The mysterious little prince came from another planet. The pilot told the story of the little prince and his rose. Why did the little prince leave his planet? What planets have he visited before arriving at earth? He retold the adventures of the little prince on six planets. He met the king, the vain man, the drunkard, the businessman, the lights, the geologist, the snake, the three petals of the desert flower, the rose garden, the trigger, the peddler, the fox, and the pilot of our narrator himself.

  The pilot and the little prince shared a precious friendship in the desert. When the little prince left the earth, the pilot was very sad. He has been very much nostalgic for the time they spent together. He wrote the novel in memory of the little prince.





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