

时间:2023-06-14 15:46:26 文/阿林 课文北考网www.beiweimall.com

  Aliens arrive

  Tina woke up at midnight. She looked out of her window and saw a yellow light in the sky. It suddenly dived towards the ground. She heard a noise and saw a red light.

  The next morning, Tina mentioned it to her brother Tom. “I’m sure something landed in the forest near the hills as I heard a loud noise last night,” she said.

  “Let’s explore after school.”

  At 6 p.m., Tina and Tom reached the forest. They heard some voices speaking a strange language, so they hid behind some bushes and kept quiet. Then they saw an alien! It was tall, with a round head and a silver body. It was standing next to a long spaceship. The spaceship was damaged because of a crash.

  The children were frightened. Suddenly, another alien appeared from the bushes in front of them. It discovered them and made a terrible noise! The children ran away in fear.

  The next morning, Tina and Tom told their parents about the strange creatures. “They were very ugly. They had some hair, but they didn’t have any feathers,” said Tina.

  “There was something written on the spaceship,” said Tom, “ It looked like this, I wonder what it means,” He drew some lines on a piece of paper.

  But Dad said, “Since no one else saw these aliens, I refuse to believe you. Now go to school!

  The children spread their wings and flew to school together.

  Dad looked at the piece of paper with the strange marks on it. “It looks strange,” he said, as he looked at the word “EARTH”.













  1. 重点词汇

  Unknown, alien,astronaut, receive, fall, bush, quiet, danage, frightened, discover, terrible, fear, creature, feather, wonder, line, refuse, spread, mark, knife, explain, pleased


  keep quiet,

  because of,

  in fear,

  landing site,

  as soon as possible,

  agree with,

  disagree with


  Useful sentences:

  1.What happened to the light?

  2.Tina wake up at midnight.

  3.I am sure something landed in the forest near the hills as I heard a loud noise last.

  4.They heard some voices speaking a strange language.

  5.The spaceship was damaged because of a crash.

  6.It discovered them and made a terrible noise!

  7.The children ran away in fear.

  8.They were very ugly.


  1. Learn how to use adverbial clauses of reason correctly.

  2. Learn how to use because of correctly.


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