Good afternoon family and friends,
We are here on this special day to share withBRIDE & GROOMa most important moment in their lives.
In places like this, they have learned to know and love each other, and now they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife.
These surroundings were not chosen by chance, but for the beauty around us, the strength it offers and the peace it brings, all combine to make this a most perfect setting for the exchange of vows of love.
BRIDE & GROOMbelieve that a commitment such as this, is founded on sincerity and understanding, which leads to tolerance, confidence and trust. They know it involves respect for each other’s individuality and the acceptance of each other’s weakness, faults and prejudices.
They believe too that these qualities which have attracted each to the other can best be developed during a lifetimes spent together.
A happy relationship will enable them to establish a home where there will be love and stability, where their family and friend will find welcome, peace and support and which will be a base for their life together.
We are here becauseBRIDE & GROOMdo not and cannot live in isolation.
Their loves touches all of us and it is fitting that we should celebrate their happiness.
BRIDE & GROOMbelieve that their commitment brings a special kind of security and a deep sense of loving concern to each other at all times. It is giving them an atmosphere in which they can grow and develop both separately and together.
We are about to share in a very special ceremony .It is not often we have the opportunity to see two people so obviously in love, wishing to make lifelong commitments to one another..
BRIDE & GROOMhave developed a relationship which is based on respect, acceptance of each other’s wishes and faults, and a very firm desire that their relationship will strengthen and deepen.
They know that this commitment is far more then simply living together as lifelong partners.
A happy and successful relationship relies on partners, being prepared to contribute to achieve an ultimate and mutual goal. They know also that, whilst neither seeks not expects perfection in the other, there is nothing that their love cannot overcome, when they face it together.
Their love is based on a foundation of trust and a common value system in terms of life, people, relationship and happiness.
From their first meeting, their friendship gradually developed into a love they believe will remain as strong all their lives.
These two people are not about material gains, but more then enjoyment of life itself and the provision of happiness to all their lives.
They value the beauty of life, the people and the world around them.
We are here today to celebrate their commitment to each other.
BRIDE & GROOMstand here today as two best friends who have found true love. They strongly believe in the mutual support, that each derives from the other and in the bond formed by respect for each other’s ideals goals.
Marriage–a Reading.
A happy marriage must be create,it’s not something that just happens
It’s never being too old to hold hands
It’s bring remembering to say“I Love you“
It’s never going to sleep angry
It’s the forming of a circle of love to include all the family
It’s at no time taking each other for granted, but making the best of courtship continuous through all the years
It’s doing thing for each other, not out of duty, but in the spirit of joy
It’s demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways
It’s not looking for perfection, but cultivating flexibility and a sense of humor. It’s having the capacity to forgive and forget
It’s a common search for what a good and beautiful
It’s not only marrying the right partner, it is being the right partner.
The commitment承诺
Before youBRIDE & GROOMare joined together in my presence and in thepresence of this your friend, I want to remind you publicly of the solemn, the serious and the binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter.
This commitment, as we understand it, is made voluntarily and fully by the two partners.
It is made in the deepest sense, is the exclusion of all other and is entered with the desire, the hope and the firm intention that it will last for life.
There for I ask youGROOM,will you takeBRIDEto be your wife? Will you love and respect her, be honest and stand by her, so you can genuinely share your life together?
GROOM: I will.我会。
Now I ask youBRIDE, will you takeGROOMto be your husband? Will you love and respect him, be honest and stand by him, so you can genuinely share your life together?
BRIDE: I will.我会。
Exchange of Vows交换承诺
Please face each other and join hands for your exchange of vows.
GROOM,please repeat after me.
Standing among the group of people, I ask youBRIDEto be my wife. I pledge to share my life with you and to speak the truth to you in love. I promise to respect and care for you and to encourage your fulfillment through all the changes of our lives, as long as we shall live.
BRIDE,please repeat after me.
Standing amongst the group of people, I ask youGROOMto be my husband. I pledge to share my life with you and to speak the truth to you in love. I promise to respect and care for you and to encourage your fulfillment through all the changes of our lives, as long as we shall live.
站在这些人,我请你新郎,当我的丈夫。 我承诺跟你分享我的生活,用爱跟你说实话。我承诺尊重和关心你,在我们生活当中的变化鼓励你的发展,一直继续一辈子。
Exchange of Rings交换戒指
Love between two people is the riches experience that is possible to humankind. Such loves reduce selfishness, deepens personalities and above all, give life purpose and meaning.
BRIDE & GROOM, may you always have a deep faith in each other, May you always live together in peace, good will and love until you are separated by death.
You will now exchange rings which will be worn as symbol of your commitment to each other.
GROOM:with this ring pledge my faithful love to you.
BRIDE:with this ring I pledge my faithful love to you.
Sealing the Commitment
We have witnessed today, your promises, the depth of your love as symbolized by giving and receiving of rings.
And therefore I declare thatBRIDE & GROOMare now husband and wife.
I invite you to celebrate your union with a kiss.
Go now, confident in the knowledge that you will find strength, hope and love.
Signing of Certificate证书签章
I would now like to invite you both to step forward and sign your Wedding Certificate
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