

时间:2023-06-10 22:09:05 文/马振华 句子北考网www.beiweimall.com

  1、Oh,he is reading a newspaper in the office.噢,他正在办公室看报。

  2、Many children are swimming in the river.Can't you see?许多小孩在河里游泳,你难道看不见吗?

  3、Mr Cheng is visiting our village this month.这个月程先生在我们村访问。

  4、No,Jack is doing his homework in the classroom.不是,杰克正在教室做作业呢。

  5、Look!Maria and Tom are dancing under the tree.看!玛丽亚和汤姆正在树下跳舞。

  6、Listen!She is singing an English song.听,她正在唱英语歌。

  7、We're far from home.What are our parents doing at the moment?我们现在远离家,我们的父母此刻在干什么呢?

  8、We are making model planes these days.这些天我们在做飞机模型。

  9、It's 6:30 now.I am getting up.现在是6:30.我正在起床。

  10、They are playing basketball now.现在他们正在打篮球。

  11、Look at the picture.The children are flying kites in the park.看这幅图。那些孩子正在公园放风筝。

  12、Listen!Our English teacher is singing the popular English song.听!我们英语老师正在唱那首流行的英文歌曲。

  13、These days we are helping the farmers work on the farm.这些天我们在农场帮农民们干活。

  14、Linda's brother is watching TV in his bedroom now.琳达的哥哥现在正在他的卧室里看电视。

  15、They're having a test this week.这一周他们在进行一次考试。

  16、It is raining now.现在正在下雨。

  17、I am having lunch now.我现在正在吃午饭。

  18、Jim is playing basketball with his friends on the ground.吉姆正和他的朋友们在地上打篮球。

  19、We are watching a new film at home.我们正在家里看一部新电影。

  20、Alex is writing an article now.亚历克斯现在正在写一篇文章。

  21、Lucy is reading newspaper.露西正在看报纸。

  22、What is he doing now?他现在在做什么?

  23、I am drinking a cup of tea now.我现在正在喝一杯茶。

  24、Who is doing the cleaning?谁在打扫卫生?

  25、Is he making lunch?他在做午饭吗?


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