

时间:2023-06-14 05:06:13 文/刘莉莉 句子北考网www.beiweimall.com



  There ______ (be ) some geese in the pond.

  The girl can _______( play) the piano.

  I like ________(ride) my bike.

  How many __________(duckling) are there in the pond?

  Let’s _______ ( go ) to school.

  Mary ______ ( have ) some cats.

  We like some ________.(toothbrush)

  Does Tom want any _________?(soap)

  I want_______.(toy)

  I want _______( buy) toys.

  The little dog _________( have) three brothers.

  We ________ (not play) games in the classroom.

  Miss Brown _______(like)to have some bananas for lunch

  Let Peter ________( go) to see his teacher.

  Thanks _______ your letter.

  It’s too small for ______(he)

  How much __________the new jeans?

  Can I try them ________?

  I want a pair _______ sports shoes.

  Mary’s father _________(have) a fever today.

  This is Tom _______( speak)

  Shall we ________ ( go)on a field trip?

  I can’t _______ ( clean)the room today.

  This is our __________ (friend) card .

  How is your mother ________(feel) today?

  He feels _________(many) better .

  Here is a doll for _________( she)

  I’ll help you _______(with) your lessons

  I’m ________ (worry ) about my lessons.

  He often helps me _____my English.

  There _______a lot of flowers in the vase.

  I have a gift ________ her birthday.

  I’m worried ________my mother.

  The vet takes care _________ the pets.


  Do you have a cold ? _______________________________

  Can you go to school today? ________________________________

  Does your mother feel well today? ________________________________

  Are they the twins’ toothbrushes? ______________________________________

  Is your sister ill? ________________________________________


  We have three English classes a week.( 对画线部分提问)


  They often play the violin in the room.( 一般疑问句)


  The tiger can climb up a ladder.( 否定句)


  We can call it a cub. (对画线部分提问)


  I am a student. ( 复数句型)


  She works in a bank.(一般疑问句)


  Are you students ?( 肯定回答)


  It’s Mary’s doll.( 复数句型)


  She often helps her teacher.( 否定句 )


  1. We often read in the library.( 一般疑问句)


  These are dogs. (对画线部分提问)


  .We often sing and dance. (对画线部分提问)


  That’s a tiger.(一般疑问句)


  That is my goose.( 复数句型)


  Is this Mary’s book?(肯定回答)


  It’s time to have breakfast. .( 一般疑问句)


  This is a sheep. (复数句型)


  Do the children often read in the library?(肯定回答)


  He often studies English. .( 一般疑问句)


  There is some bread on the desk.(否定句)


  We often borrow books from the library. (对画线部分提问)


  There are some shoes in the shop. (对画线部分提问)


  Li Yan has a little doll. .( 一般疑问句)


  The tiger cubs can jump through the ring.( 否定句)


  The lion can climb up a ladder. ( 否定句)


  I’m interested in art. ( 一般疑问句)


  The dog can walk and dance. (对画线部分提问)


  There are some animals in the zoo. ( 一般疑问句)


  We can call it a kitten. (对画线部分提问)


  Are these geese ?( 单数句型)


  Is this a panda?( 否定回答)


  Are those monkeys? (肯定回答)


  Those are lions (对画线部分提问)


  Is this a puppy? ( 复数句型)


  We like young animals. ( 一般疑问句)


  Can the lion cubs run? (肯定回答)


  We play basketball on the playground (对画线部分提问)


  That is the pig’s room. ( 复数句型)


  This is a puppy. ( 复数句型)


  Those are baby pigs. (对画线部分提问)


  We look at the pets in the shop . ( 一般疑问句)


  There are some geese in the pond. ( 一般疑问句)


  The duck can swim. ( 一般疑问句并做肯定回答)


  These are English books. ( 单数句型)


  What’s this ? ( 复数句型)


  Is this a duck? ( 否定回答)


  These are some ducks near the pond. (对画线部分提问)


  Ducks can swim. ( 一般疑问句)


  There is a goose in the pond. ( 复数句型)


  They can swim well. ( 否定句)


  Is it a gosling? ( 复数句型)


  Is this a tiger? ( 否定回答)


  We can call it a joey. (对画线部分提问)


  Look at the small lion.( 否定句)


  The tiger can ride a bike. ( 否定句)


  That is a cub. ( 一般疑问句)


  What’s this in English?(同义句)


  Is that a mouse? ( 复数句型)


  There is a baby horse over there . ( 一般疑问句)


  We call it a sheep. ( 否定句)


  This is a lamb in English. (对画线部分提问)


  We call it a kid. (对画线部分提问)


  There is a foal over there. ( 一般疑问句)


  There is a baby horse. ( 否定句)


  We call a baby horse a foal. ( 一般疑问句)


  I like young animals. ( 否定句)


  Look at this horse. (否定句)



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