

时间:2023-06-13 23:42:25 文/阿林 句子北考网www.beiweimall.com


  ①What's your number?

  ②What's the time?

  ③How many pens are there?

  ④How old are you?

  ⑤How much is it?

  ⑥How tall are you?

  ⑦How heavy are you?

  ⑧What time do you get up?

  ⑨When's your birthday?

  ⑩What time did you see him?


  1.My singing is louder than yours.

  2.I'm taller than you.

  3.There more shops in Picture One.

  4.Some stories are more interesting than others.

  5.The most interesting stories.

  6.Who is fatter?

  7.Where were you?

  8.Who was first?

  9.Was it in the wardrobe?

  10.Benny took my ball.

  11.Where did you go?

  12.What did you do?

  13.I came by plane.

  14.Anne wanted to skate.


  1.When do you eat dinner? I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.

  2.When do you get up? I usually get up at 12:00 noon.

  3.What do you do on the weekend?

  4.Usually I watch TV and go shopping.Sometimes I visit my grandparents.

  5.I often play football.Sometimes I go hiking.

  6.What’s your favourite season?Winter.

  7.Which season do you like best?Fall.

  8.It’s always sunny and cool.

  9.I can play with snow.

  10.Why do you like spring? Because I can plant trees.

  11.When is your birthday? My birthday is in June.

  12.Is your birthday in June, too? No.My birthday is in December.

  13.It’s October 1st, our National Day.

  14.Who has a birthday in October? Me.

  15.What’s the date? It’s October 1st.

  16.What are you doing? I an doing the dishes.

  17.What is your father doing? He’s writing an e-mail.

  18.This is Nina.Can I speak to your mom, please?

  19.Please hold on.There’s a call for you.

  20.I see the mother elephant.


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