

时间:2023-06-16 02:17:11 文/王明刚 句子北考网www.beiweimall.com


  work like a tiger


  three cheers and a tiger


  How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger's lair?

  不入虎穴, 焉得虎子?

  buck the tiger 玩纸牌(特指与赌棍玩牌)

  tiger sweat 威士忌酒

  have a tiger by the tail/ He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount.骑虎难下

  paper tiger 纸老虎

  to brag and bully by assuming other people’s authority 狐假虎威

  a strategic fortress as if guarded by a tiger and a dragon 虎踞龙盘

  a narrow escape 虎口余生

  a nation of invaders 虎狼之国

  to be passionate about something at the beginning but soon lose theirinterest 虎头蛇尾

  Sitting on a hill watching tigersfight 坐山观虎斗 (It means someone takes a sidein a fight until one partyoverwhelms their enemy. )

  A goat in tiger's skin 羊质虎皮 (It means someone who appears strong on theoutside but is timid on the inside。)

  Three people make a tiger. 三人成虎(The idiom suggests that gossip can be asferocious as a tiger。)

  A new-born calf has no fear of the tiger. 初生牛犊不怕虎。

  drive a tiger out from the front door while a wolf comes in the back前门拒虎,后门进狼。

  like a tiger with wings 如虎添翼(It means someone's might is doubled。)

  to lure the tiger form the mountain 调虎离山


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