

时间:2023-06-07 02:23:46 文/王明刚 句子北考网www.beiweimall.com



  1.A good case in point is

  2.Let us suppose that

  3.Just imagine what would be like if

  4.I can think of no better illustration than


  1. No one can deny the fact that

  2. There is strong evidence that

  3. You don’t have to look very far to find out the truth

  4. Gone are the days when

  5. One may not forget the old days


  1.……increased/decreased by x%

  2.……rose/dropped almost twice,compared with……

  3.……the percentage was……,-------x percent more than the 1990 level.

  4.There were a x percent decline this year,a drop of x percentage point from……

  5.The rate has reached an average of x percent

  6. It accounts for x percent of the total.

  7. After leveling off for 3 years,the rate starts rising once again


  1. To understand the truth of……,it is important to see……

  2. To get a sense of how……,we must turn first to……

  3. A study of……will make this point clear.


  1. But that’s only part of the story……

  2. Another equally important aspect is……

  3. ……may further be supported by……


  1. Dispite the difficulty

  2. On the other hand

  3. Rather than


  1. Nothing is more dangerous than……

  2. Now people are beginning to realize

  3. Now there is a growing awaremess of ……

  4. We might marvel at the progress


  “ “ How often we hear such words like those.


  1. For years it had been viewed as……,but now……

  2. People used to think ……,but things are different……


  1. What do you think……?

  2. Why……?Many people pose the question like this.


  1. From what has been discussed above,we may draw the conclusion that……

  2. The evidence upon all sides points to……

  3. In summary,it is important ……


  1. We must search for a quick action,because if……

  2. Obviously,if we ignore the problem,it is likely……

  3. Any person who ignores the warning would……

  4. We need to take a second look at……,otherwise………


  1. It might be time to take the warning……

  2. It is necessary that steps should be taken to……

  3. There is no doubt that attention must be paid to……

  4. Obviously,if we are to……,it is essential……


  1. It is hoped that efforts be made……

  2. In short,we should……

  3. What we need is……

  4. It is high time…….Here are a few examples.

  5. While it can’t be solved immediately,still there are ways……

  6. Awarenese of the problem is the first step.


  1. Many solutions are being offered here.

  2. There is no easy method,but……might be helpful.

  3. What will happen to ……?One thing is certain……

  4. We have done……,but we will achieve more if……

  5. The great challenge today is……


  1. Following these methods may not……,but the pay-off might be worth the effort.

  2. We are now entering a new era which calls for……

  3. Anyhow,whether it is good or not ,one thing is certain……


  1. There are many reasons for……

  2. The answer to this problem involves many factors.

  3. One may attribute the change to……

  4. One tends to view the trend as a response to……

  5. A number of factors could account for the success.

  6. These factors,coupled with the growth of……,lead to……


  1. Among the most important reason cited by people is

  2. Another important reason is……

  3. ……is also responsible for the change.

  4. Of course ,the growth is the not the sole reason for……

  5. We may blame,but the causes go far deeper.


  1. There are a number of effects.

  2. The effect is evident.

  3. It will exert a profound influence.

  4. The influence has not been confined to……

  5. It may give rise to a host of problems.


  1. When the advantages and disadvantages are weighed……

  2. Obviously,it has both negative effects and positive effects.

  3. Like anything else,it has it faults.

  4. But is it all good?when considering the drawbacks……


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