

时间:2023-06-06 08:30:51 文/张东东 句子北考网www.beiweimall.com




  1、句首的原形动词。此类题目设置的是祈使句。其基本句型为:祈使句 + and/or/— +简单句。该句型中,祈使句表示条件,简单句表示结果。请看下面两个例子。

  ________ down the radio—the baby's asleep in the next room.(93年高考题)

  A. Turning B. Turn C. Turned D. To turn

  --English has a large vocabulary, hasn’t it?

  --Yes. _________ more words and expressions and you will find it

  easier to read and communicate.(04年上海高考题)

  A. Know B. Knowing C. To know D. Known


  2、不定式。不定式结构出现在句首是不定式短语作目的状语。其意是“为了” 。例如:

  __________ late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.(01年北京、内蒙古、安徽春季高考题)

  A. To sleep B. Sleeping C. Sleep D. Having Slept



  _______ time, he’ll make a first-class tennis player.(03年北京高考题)

  A. Having given B. To give C. Giving D. Given


  ______ with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.(05年北京春季高考题)

  A. To face B. Having faced C. Faced D. Facing

  此试题中,从汉语意义上讲,它表示了主动的意义,而从英语结构来说,要用be + 过去分词。与空格后的with组成的短语是be faced with。故该题正确答案是C。由此而推出很多这样的短语:be dressed in, be covered with, be

  tired of, be filled with,be separated from, be lost in, be marked with,be addicted to等,这样的短语用作了系表结构,表示状态。


  _____ from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.(01年上海高考题)

  A. Suffered B. Suffering C. Having suffered D. Being suffered

  _____ from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world.(05年湖北高考题)

  A. Being separated B. Having separated

  C. Having been separated D. To be separated

  以上两题现在分词所表示的动作在主语之前发生,应该用完成式。两题的不同点是主动与被动。上海题的现在分词与句子主语的关系是主动关系,根据four years时间状语,正确答案是C。湖北题则表示被动关系,也有时间状语,故C是正确答案。


  _____ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.(01年全国高考题)

  A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered 此题设置的非谓语动词的逻辑主语不是it,而且it也不是非谓语动词的逻辑宾语。因此此题属于垂悬分词。因为这个动作发生在谓语动词之前。正确答案是A。


  ________ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.(02年上海高考题)

  A. Exposed B. Having exposed

  C. Being exposed D. After being exposed

  It’s necessary to be prepared for a job interview. _______ the answers ready will be of great help.(05年北京高考题)

  A. To have had B. Having had C. Have D. Having

  上海题测试的是动名词短语作主语,expose与one’s skin是动宾关系,因此,选项C为(动名词的被动式)正确答案。北京题,第二句的will be of great help缺主语,根据上下文的意思,“准备”是指一般性的行为,因此正确选项是D。


  ⑴ 动词原形开头的句子结构,是由as引起的倒装句中。例如:

  Try as she might, Carolina couldn’t get the door open.(05年广东) 根据as引起的倒装句的要求,其句子结构为:原形动词 + as + 主语 + would/might。

  ⑵ 插入语结构。常用不定式作插入语的结构有:to begin with(首先)、to tell the truth(说老实话)、to sum up(总之)、to make things/matters worse(情况更糟的是)、to be frank/honest/?等形式。例如:

  To make matters worse, he also had a son in college who had taken a bank loan for his students.

  ⑶倒装结构中的现在分词和过去分词在句首。此结构中的现在分词实际上是动词的进行时态变化而来,过去分词是由被动语态变化得来的。例如: Hanging on the wall is a photo of Mary’s family.

  Tied to the small tree is a boat.


  To see is to believe。



  一、 句子的基本句型



  1、S V (主、谓)

  2、S V P (主、系、表)

  3、S V O (主、谓、宾)

  4、S V O C (主、谓、宾、补)

  5、S V O O (主、谓、宾、宾)

  二、 动词分类

  连系动词 (SVP)

  不及物动词 (SV)

  实意动词 单宾语动词 (SVO)

  动词 及物动词 双宾语动词 (SVOO)

  复合宾语动词 (SVOC)



  三、 动词分类与基本句型

  1、 连系动词用于SVP句型。常见的连系动词有:be (is, am .are, was,were…..), smell, taste, sound, look, feel,seem, appear,become, get, turn, come, go, grow, fall, keep, remain,prove,make等。

  Mary is a student. The cotton feels soft.

  Your answer seemed right. He becomes wiser than before.

  The days are getting longer. Please keep quiet.

  His idea proved wrong.

  2、 不及物动词用于SV 句型。不及物动词就是不能够接宾语其意思就完整的动词。如:go, come, turn, jump, swim, slow down, step in, set out, go ahead, drop in, happen, take place, matter, succeed等。

  He has come. The sun is shinning.

  It doesn’t matter. Who cares?

  I will drop in if I have time.

  3、 单宾语动词用于SVO 句型. 单宾语动词就是只需接一个宾语其意思就完整的动词。如:know, want, enjoy, like, dislike, begin,start,need等。

  I need some help. I know your name.

  Do you need any help? She likes milk.

  They enjoyed themselves very much last night.

  4、 双宾语动词用于SVOO句型。双宾语动词就是需要接两个宾语其意思才完整的动词。两个宾语一个为间接宾语,一个为直接宾语。一般来说,间接宾语指人,直接宾语指物。如:give, ask, answer, forgive, save, refuse, envy,teach,show, allow, bring, hand, lend, offer, pass, return, send, leave, tell, throw, wish等。

  He told My father bought (间宾)(直宾) (间宾)(直宾)

  I envy you your health. He give me the book yesterday.

  5、 复合宾语动词用于SVOC句型。复合宾语动词就是要接一个宾语和一个补语其意思


  1)用形容词作补语的复合宾语动词有:get, paint, make,believe, talk, find, think, keep, push, build, hold, drink,wash等

  They keep I find (宾语)(宾补)

  He pushed the door open. I believe him wrong.

  They painted the room red.

  2) 用名词作补语的复合宾语动词有:call, name, make, elect, find, consider, choose等 We call We elect (宾语)(宾补) (宾语)(宾补)





  复合宾语结构:宾语(补语的逻辑主语)+补语(说明宾语的性质、状态) 试比较:

  He made me a sentence. 他给我造了一个句子。

  He made me an officer. 他把我造就成为一名军官。

  第一句为双宾语结构,一个是人,一个是物。第二句为复合宾语结构,“me”与“officer”之间有主谓关系,等于“I am an officer.”。


  I agree------ I agree with you.

  He has arrived.--------- He has arrived at the station.




  让某人做某事动词结构:let / make / have sb. do sth.

  E.g. Let’s go! Don’t make me laugh!


  助动词(顾名思义:帮助你对将肯定的意思变成否定或疑问),如: be , do, have, will

  e.g. I love you! ? 变成否定句: 变成疑问句:


  情态动词(常用有5个): can /could, may/might, shall/should, will/would, must/must, dare, have to(不得不,客观必须), ought to(理应去做), need to(需要去做) 结构:情态动词+ do sth. (动词原形)

  注意:情态动词也可作助动词:e.g. I love you.? I will not love you. Will I love you?


  感官动词:see/watch/look at, hear/listen to, smell, feel, notice, observe, taste, touch

  结构:感官动词 do sth. (只指向一个动作,并不说明动作的状态)

  +sb.{ doing sth. (表明动作是进行着的状态)

  ★注意:(被动语态时) The boy is seen to sing.


  ① mind/ practice/ regret/ finish/ avoid/ escape + doing sth. (动名词,e.g. mind smoking, practice playing football,etc.)

  ② keep/ continue/ go on+ doing sth. (表明动作是进行着的状态)

  ③ stop doing sth. (停止做某事), stop to do sth.( 停下手上的事情去做某事) 翻译:停止说话,听老师讲课。__________________________________

  ④ prevent/ stop/ keep sb. (from) doing sth. (阻止某人做某事)

  ⑤ spend some time/money on sth.

  { (in) doing sth.

  ⑥ can’t help (to) do sth. / doing sth.

  ⑦ require/ insist/ command/ demand/ order/ suggest that sb. (should) do sth.


  除前四类动词以外的动词,结构一般为:~ + to do sth.(动词不定式),e.g. ask/ order/ call






  肯定句:I love you.?否定句: I do not love you.

  疑问句分为:一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,选择疑问句,反意疑问句(译义与一般疑问句同) 一般疑问句(肯定句前+助动词): 特殊疑问句(一般疑问句前+特殊疑问词(what, when, where, who, why, how(how much,

  how far…))


  反意疑问句(陈述句+一般疑问句,前后意义相反即可): You love me, don’t you?


  感叹句分为:以how, what 开头的感叹句。

  How + adj. { adv. E.g. How fast/quickly the boy runs!

  What + sth. E.g. What a lovely boy he is!

  What beautiful furniture it is! (furniture 家具不可数)

  祈使句:结构为运用动词原形。E.g. Shut up! Don’t move! Wait a minute, please.



  简单句:只有一个主谓宾结构的句子。 E.g. He is a student.


  E.g. 1. He is a student. 2. She is not a student.? (备注:常用连词或连词结构共有11类,如表示承接的有:and, as well as, both A. and B.

  表示转折的有:but, yet, however, in contrary…,你能把它们都找出来吗?)

  复合句:有从句的句子。(从句也是具有主谓宾的句子,一般由引导词(who, whose, where, what, when,

  why, which, that等)引出,其有两个功能:1、对大句中的某个成分作补充说明。2、充当大句中的某个成分。)


  e.g. 原句: The boy is playing PC game.


  2、充当大句中的某个成分 充当主语)


  按句子长短归类: 短句,中长句,长句。(适用于文章写作字数的控制)

  短句:一般为5~6个单词; I love you.? I love you very much!




  第一章 动词的时态

  第二章 托福难句解析



  1、 简单句


  S1 : The sun is rising.

  The temperature fell ten degrees. Internet dating hurts.

  处理办法:比较简单,快速扫过 什么样的词或从句可以作主语?

  ? 主语是句子要说明的人或事物。 ? 主语:名词、代词、动名词(v+ing)

  ? 不定式(to+v), what从句,that 从句,how从句等组成。 ? PS: 动词原形不能作主语。

  ? 该句型的谓语动词是不及物动词(intransitive verb)

  ? 所表示的.动作没有作为对象,其本身的意思完整,其后不需带宾语。 ? 如:He died.

  ? 我们不能说:He died his wife*(错误) ? He killed his wife


  S2 :

  Metabolism is a necessary daily activity of most creatures. 处理办法:重点关注表语:一般为下定义时常用 什么样的词可以作系动词和表语:

  ? ?

  ? 我们不能说:



  S3 : A scientist must to learn the pratical experimental methods. The institute offered a opportunity to study this phenomenon. 处理办法:重点掌握,中心在句子宾语位置

  ? 该句型的谓语动词是及物动词(transitive verb)

  ? 这种动词告诉我们由主语发出的动作所作用的对象是什么,这里所作用的对象就是



  S4 : The pigment dyed the china black.

  They appointed him chairman of the committee.



  S5 : The hostess cooked the family the dinner. The Americans ordered the church a sculpture.


  ? 该句型的谓语动词是双宾动词(dative verb),这种动词的后面所接成分有“人”又有

  “物”。一般来讲,这里的“人”表示动作的接受者,称作间接宾语(indirect object)。”物”表示动作作用的对象,是动作的承受者,称作直接宾语(direct object)。



  在多年的写作教学中,笔者发现很多雅思和新托福考生在写作中无法灵活运用句子结构,无法实现句子结构的多样化运用。很多考生为此费尽心思,不知道该从何处着手练习,使文章中的句子能够多样化。事实上,我们可以采用不同的句子开头使句子多样化。 朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家认为,写作的时候不应该总是用“subject-verb-object”的结构顺序,而应该尽量用不同的方式展开一个句子。不同的句子开头既可以美化句子,同时也能使句子与句子之间自然过度,衔接自然,以免过于依赖过渡词。在雅思和新托福考试中,写作考官对句子结构的多样化也是非常重视的。下面,朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家将给广大考生介绍几种使句子开头多样化的方式方法。



  Luckily, he didn't know my phone number; otherwise, he would bother me. Incredibly, Helena got straight A in her school report this semester.

  Interestingly, cats and dogs can hardly get along well in a house.

  修饰全句常用的副词有:obviously, undoubtedly, apparently, fortunately, clearly, unfortunately, incredibly, luckily, unluckily, surprisingly, frighteningly等。

  这些副词大多数表示说话人对全句的看法,在意思上相当于“It is ...形容词 that ...”。


  Obviously, he is nervous about the test.

  =It is obvious that he is nervous about the test.

  Unfortunately, he tripped over and fell in the mud.

  =It is unfortunate that he tripped over and fell in the mud.


  Hurriedly, the man drew me a scratch map to show me the direction.

  Dangerously, the drunkard sped down the street.

  Slowly and gently, snowflakes were drifting down from the sky.


  Geographically, Canada is the biggest country in the world.

  Financially, she is independent, but emotionally she is dependent.



  Strangely enough, Jennifer does not enjoy sunshine and beach.

  Generally speaking, winter in Vancouver is gloomy.

  类似的插入语有:no wonder, no doubt, in other words, in my opinion, in conclusion, in fact, as a matter of fact等。


  用形容词、并列形容词或形容词短语开头,修饰句子的主语,表示主语的特征或状态: Frantic, the young mother rushed out the door with the baby in her arms.

  Tasty and crisp, potato chip is a favorite snack for both children and adults.

  Happy at his good marks at school, the little boy skipped on his way home.

  Desperate and hopeless, the poor man committed.


  (1)修饰句子主语,表示主语所处的状态或主语同时进行的另一个较谓语动词次要的动作 Scared, the girl moved timidly and cautiously into the dark room.(状态)

  Cased by my dear pet cat, the mouse dashed into a small hole.(状态)

  Spoiled by his parents, the naughty boy always insists on things he wants.(状态) Puffing and hugging, he finished his run.(另一动作)

  Looking at herself in the mirror, she fingered her silk scarf on her shoulder.(另一动作)


  Lying down on the couch, he felt much relaxed.(时间)

  Feeling bored, she turned on the TV and switched from channel to channel.(原因) Wanting to find out the business hour, she called the store.(原因)

  Having completed the form, he mailed it out immediately.(时间)



  On seeing him approach, the girl immediately turned her face to a shop window pretending to look at something there.(时间)

  Around the corner, a crowd gathered.(地点)

  Unlike his father, Peter touches neither cigarettes nor alcohol.(方式)

  Due to the limit of seats, he was not accepted.(原因)

  In case of fire, use the stairways.(条件)



  To celebrate the arrival of the Millennium, we held a grand party in the hotel.

  To show my trust on him, I deposited $ 10,000 into his bank account.

  (转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM :动词开头的句子)



  Birds singing in the tree, another routine day starts.

  Sea gulls flying over the water, the old fisherman flung his fishing meat into the open sea.

  A dog following them, the police searched every suspect.



  Consequently, I slowed down to avoid a fine ticket.

  In fact, she was a kindhearted woman.


  A signing officer of the bank, Jane signs her name hundreds of times each day at work.

  A TV addict, Jim watches TV movies one after another every evening until after midnight.


  用副词从句开头,表示主句谓语动词发生的时间、地点、原因、方式、条件等: When you are in need of help, give me a call.

  Wherever you go, I follow.

  Since your children love hamburgers and fries, we might as well eat in MacDonald. As if it were summer, everybody wear shorts and a T-shirt.

  In case that you get lost, call me at this number.



  Whether you take the position or not makes great difference to me.

  Why I am unhappy is something I can't explain.

  What they should do about the hole in the roof is their most pressing problem.



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