

时间:2023-06-15 06:34:02 文/马振华 句子北考网www.beiweimall.com


  mode of motion


  Walking, running, rowing and cycling are all healthy forms of sports.

  走路,跑步,划船和骑自行车都是有益于健康的运动方式。 Of or resembling an amoeba,especially in changeability of form and means of locomotion.

  变形虫的变形虫的`,象变形虫似的,尤指在形状变化和运动方式方面Cardio Cross Everyone knows that cross training is important. Try this exciting fitness cocktail.

  有氧交叉操在一堂课程中融合有氧操、板及哑铃操等不同运动方式。能更大程度上的消耗身体多余的热量。 mode是什么意思:

  n. 方式;模式;风格,时尚

  Hypolydian mode

  亚里底亚调式 Hypophrygian mode

  亚弗里季亚调式 Mode switch. This control is used to select the desired transmit mode. The modes available are

  模式开关,这个控制旋钮能选择你要求的发射模式,可选模式有:。Imprinting is not possible in the following modes: print off mode and reset mode.

  在下列模式下不能进行影印:不影印模式、重新设定模式。A method of operation;for example,the binary mode,the interpretive mode,the alphanumeric mode.


  n. 运动;动作;提议;动机

  v. 以姿势向某人示意

  The train was in motion.

  火车开动了。The motion was withdrawn.

  那项动议被撤销了。 The backwards motion is the anticipation, the throw itself is the motion.

  这个向后的动作就是预备动作,投掷就是动作本身。The motion was lost by a majority of two.

  动议以两票之差被否决了。 object motion perception

  客体运动知觉 客体运动知觉


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