

时间:2023-06-19 00:18:10 文/秦风学 句子北考网www.beiweimall.com



  1. 解题要点:

  (1).掌握衔接词是解答插入句子题的关键,对解答这类问题非常重要,因为它是理解上下文和这个句子的逻辑关系的核心。衔接词主要包括代词(指示代词,例如this, these their, it, such,another,这些通常是上文提到过的,所以可以采用就近原则来做。);

  (2). 关键同义词


  (4). 表示因果、转折等关系的过渡词语:如therefore, so, however, as a result, consequently, on the contrary, however 等;

  (5). 递进扩展词:如furthermore, also, as well, too, in addition, moreover, besides, even, additionally等;

  (6). 结构配对词:如on the one hand…. on the other hand,some…others;

  (7).表示顺序的词,如first, second , third等。

  2. 例题分析:

  【1】But there is also another special kind of conversational flow among Southern women that contributed to their writing.【2】Some of their talk took the form of tales and vignettes told for their own sake.【3】Sometimes humorous, sometimes sad; all were as bright as the figures in the fine needle point.【4】

  Look at the four positions that indicate where the following sentences can be added to the paragraph of the passage

  These tales included grotesque, comic, and poetic descriptions, character sketches,narratives, gusts of feeling, delicate ironies, and astute observations.

  Click on a position to add the sentence to the passage.

  A. Position 1

  B. Position2

  C. Position 3

  D. Position 4


  (1). 理解要插入的句子:These tales included grotesque, comic, and poetic descriptions, character sketches, and narratives, gusts of feeling, delicate ironies, and astute observations. 我们看这个句子是主、谓、宾结构,其中宾语为一些列的.并列名词和短语。

  (2). 寻找衔接词:这个句子的衔接词为:These tales

  (3). 分析这个句子和上下文的关系:位置1不可能,因为它后面的句子是论点句,而要插入的句子为属于论据;然后看位置2,这里出现了和我们要加入句子一样的信息点“Some of their talk took the form of tales and vignettes told for their own sake.”,显然句子放在位置2也不可以;位置3后面的句子是对其前面句子for their own sake的进一步解释。所以最合适的只能是位置4;

  (4). 把这个句带入各个位置;

  (5). 检查每个位置,位置4是最恰当的;



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