

时间:2023-06-15 14:48:26 文/刘莉莉 句子北考网www.beiweimall.com


  on invitation


  Greece was invited to integrate into NATO.

  希腊应邀加入北约组织。He accepted the invitation with alacrity.

  他欣然应邀Mr. Jones was called on for a sentiment.

  琼斯先生应邀发表感想。The playwright was invited to advise in the production.

  剧作家应邀对演出提供意见。He was invited to China for scientific or technological consulting services.

  他是应邀来华提供科技咨询服务的`。He was asked to sit on numerous committees.

  他应邀担任许多委员会的委员。A delegation of British parliamentarian is invited to visit Canada.

  一个英国议员代表团应邀访问加拿大。Firms were invited to tender for the construction of the new motorway.

  各公司应邀投标承建新高速公路。He delivered himself with precision, as if he had been called upon to make a public statement

  他措词准确,仿佛是在应邀发表演说。Wendy Rigby was recently invited to lecture a group of doctors on the benefits of aromatherapy.

  温迪·里格比最近应邀给一帮医生讲芳香疗法的疗效。 invitation是什么意思:

  n. 邀请;请柬;引诱

  Whomever you invite will be welcome.

  你邀请的任何人都将受欢迎。 He was upset at not being invited.

  人家没邀请他,他很不痛快. A Bad padlock invites a picklock

  坏锁招人撬Entry to this competition is by invitation only.

  此次竞赛的参赛只凭邀请函。She was favored with an invitation.



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