

时间:2023-06-16 19:38:22 文/马振华 句子北考网www.beiweimall.com






  5、现在,由于人们的乱丢乱弃,小河变得臭气熏天。垃圾 、草叶漂满了水面,再也没有人在那游泳、嬉戏。甚至,再也没有人靠近小河。人们把什么东西都扔在河里。从远处看,小河的上面像蒙上了一层黑色的薄纱。











































  9、夏天的小河是清凉的,小朋友们都唱着、跳着来到这里,享受着小河带来的舒爽。夏天的小河是清澈的,小朋友们可以脱掉鞋子,跨进小河里,捉着小鱼小虾…… 、河里的水清澈见底,连河底的沙石都看得一清二楚的,鱼儿们欢快地游来游去,它们尽情地体验着快乐的滋味。在鱼群中,偶尔还有几只小虾混在其中,我猜:它们是赶来凑趣的。只见它们舞动着它们那细长的钳子式的爪子,不甘落后地游来游去。








  1The clear water, all day long, slowly and babbling away, took my thoughts away too. I love this quiet river, love its clear water, how many times I quietly independence, ying ear is only qiong qiong's micro ring, tell me a story that never ends.

  2. Looking down on the river, the water was clear and clear, as if it were a winding Ming belt. Suddenly, on the east side of the sky in a ball of fire, the whole river dyed red fiery red sun, the river like a flickering red ribbon, smartly around our village to the distance.

  3The cry of a frog broke the peace of summer. The water of the river also lost its vitality, and flowed feebly into the distance. The river was so hot that it swam about aimlessly. Only the small flowers and grass on the shore, still flickering in the wind, the branches of the willow trees, soft and soft in the air, the branches gently caressed the water, like stroking the head of a child.

  4The river in autumn was joyful, and it listened to the cheers of the peasants and replaced their congratulations on the peasant's harvest with the sound of "hua hua". The river in autumn is a fairy in gold, and its flowing ripples are like the dancing dresses of fairies dancing.

  5The river in summer is hot and noisy. The old man was fishing on the shore. Children catch fish and shrimp in the river. The adults took the children swimming in the river... The river was splashed with white waves, and the smile spread across the hill.

  6, early in the morning, the river bottom, can reflect a person's shadow, those grotesque, large and small pebbles on the bottom of the river quietly lying down, all kinds of animals are going up: bullying crab; The lobster with a mustache: a gentle crucian; There are underwater cleaners. And a lot of gray-white "Mimi"...

  7In the summer, the river rose, and the hot sun sparkled the brook. We were more happy, naked, barefoot, to the river, into the water to swim and play. Some still hold up the water with the hand to sprinkle, that water like the pearl spray on our face, how comfortable, how cool! The pie was sitting on the rocks on the shore, and the feet were soaked into the water, and suddenly the fatigue and heat were thrown away.

  8The changsheng river flowed quietly from the edge of the village, and the water was clear as the mirror, and the sediment particles on the bottom of the river were countable. Shining in the sunlight. A gust of wind swept the water. The stream flows in a steady stream all the year round, making a beautiful song. I love the river in my hometown, which adds endless joy to the children's childhood.

  9The river in summer is cool and cool, and the children sing and jump to enjoy the comfort of the river. The river is clear in summer, children can take off their shoes, cross into the river, catch small fish... The water in the river was crystal clear, and even the sand on the bottom of the river was clear, and the fish swam about happily, enjoying the pleasure of it. In the fish, there are occasional shrimp mixed in, I guess: they come to be interesting. They danced with their long, thin claws, and swam away unwell.

  10, in a beautiful river, the river clear transparent, lived happily in, there are many fish in the river or yan six color stone, colourful shells, there are green grass, the river is quite lively.

  11In the afternoon, the river stopped singing and played with the willows on both sides. The weeping willows cast her green and green hair down to the river, and the tender branches touched it, causing the river to send a sparkling signal, as if it were laughing.

  12The river was in the north of the village, the river was wide but the river was shallow, and the water was clear. The reflection of the trees on the other side of the mountain was clearly visible. Along the Banks of the river, there are vast stretches of golden sand, and playing on the beach is like being on the beach. I call it "little sea".

  13Early in the morning, clouds are fanned, fog is like a thin, silky white yarn. I walked along the path of the flowery country, and set aside a cloud and watched the river. The river seemed to be unaffected, singing happily, and the dragonfly seemed to be infected by the melodious song of the stream, and it seemed to clap for the singing of the river.

  14The small river has a jade like river, and the sound of flowing water is beautiful and sweet. Small wild flowers on the brook nodded, as if in praise of the river. On the edge of the river, the white poplar, the wooden, and other "river guardians", swaying branches, as if to the river singing applause; The green grass swells its head in the wind, and seems to be savoring the song of the brook.

  15The water of the little sand river is green, and the four seasons are quietly flowing, like a quiet little pump mother. A gust of spring wind, from time to time a small ripple of ripples. A few wild ducks rose to the surface for a moment, then crept into the water, and then they flapped their wings against the water. The ripples on the surface of the water spread, then gather, then disperse.

  16, the river water is rippling, the river net is interwoven, add along the river good farmland thousands of hectares, constitute the picturesque scenery of the Yangtze river. The river is sweet, the four seasons are so. In spring, the flowers are red and green, and they are printed on the river like colorful silk.

  17Sprinkle jinhui on 17th and the early hours of the morning sun river, a gust of wind blowing, splashing daughter waves, flush patches of small round halo, like a voice in the stream on a layer of gold plating, yi yi is unripe brightness, occasionally a few swallows skim over the water, the river rippling up the layers of ripples, let me intoxicated.

  18With the arrival of the spring girl, the river became so enchanting that the sides were full of colorful flowers, and the grass sneaked out. It was like wearing a flower dress for the river. The branches of the willows hang over the water. The butterfly bees sing and dance in the grass. The fish in the river sometimes peeked out for a peek at the beautiful scenery.

  19Shadow can be seen everywhere: 19, look, spring is not so very warm sunlight on thin ice in the river, river on the ice began to melt, they became a trickle water, mixed together in the water in the river, the flows forward slowly.

  20In the spring, the spring girl came walking in the footsteps of sand. The two sides of the river are green grass, and the grass is dotted with wild flowers, which make the river more beautiful. At some point, the dragonfly flew to the river, and on the small river, there was a broken water line, as if a new dress was added to the river. A few great white ducks have long been able to endure the loneliness, flapping their wings, and jumping into the water, playing hide-and-seek with the fish in the water.


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