

时间:2023-06-03 13:52:38 文/张东东 近义词北考网www.beiweimall.com



  1.环境 形势

  (环境 形势) conditions: The location and other factors likely to affect it. It suggests something that has stayed the same for some time and which affects daily life such as food, work, and houses. We are now studying the economic conditions in the developing countries.

  (形势) situation: A position or state at a particular time, set of conditions, facts, and events having an effect on a person, society, etc. It suggests more general matters such as government planning and finance. The political situation in these countries are always changing.

  (环境 周围 外界) environment: The circumstances, things and conditions that influence you. It refers to spirit aspect, physical aspect and material aspect. We must try to beautify our environment.

  (形势 情况) circumstance(s): A situation or event around us, a certain kind of atmosphere, the conditions that affect what happens. in (under) the circumstances

  (环境 周围事物) surrounding(s): The area and environment around a place or person. It indicates a very narrow condition, physically sometimes reflects spiritual aspect. They lived in hostile surroundings.


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