1、《加勒比海盗5:死无对证》(Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales)劲爆台词:Captain Salazar: [to the only survivor of a ship he attacked] Jack Sparrow...萨拉查船长:(对遭袭的唯一幸存者说)杰克?斯帕罗……[holds up a wanted poster of Jack Sparrow(举起杰克的通缉告示)Captain Salazar: Do you know this pirate?萨拉查船长:认识这个海盗吗
2、Henry: Only by name.亨利:只是听说过。
3、Captain Salazar: Find Jack Sparrow for me and relay a message, from Captain Salazar. Tell him: death will come straight for him. Will you say that to him, please?萨拉查船长:找到杰克?斯帕罗,帮我捎句话。
4、Carina Smyth: Im not looking for trouble!卡琳娜?史密斯:我不是来找麻烦的
5、Captain Jack Sparrow: What a horrible way to live.杰克船长:多么可怕的活法。
6、Henry: I saw her ankles.亨利:我看见她脚踝了。
7、Captain Jack Sparrow: You wouldve seen a lot more if you kept your cakehole shut.杰克船长:你要是闭嘴能看见更多。
8、Henry: We are to be allies!亨利:我们将是盟友
9、Carina Smyth: Considering where your left hand is, Id say were more than that!卡琳娜?史密斯:从你左手放的位置判断,我们不止盟友那么简单
10、Henry: Do you even have a ship, a crew... pants?亨利:你的船呢
11、Captain Jack Sparrow: A great pirate does not bother with such intricacies.杰克船长:一个伟大的海盗才不会在意这些繁文缛节。
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