
关于衣服的英语手抄报 关于衣服的英语手抄报内容

时间:2023-06-13 12:26:34 文/黄飞 经验北考网www.beiweimall.com


This womans dress is studded with jewels and jade, just like a ruby.


Today, I was wearing a brightly coloured skirt, glittering satin bow wrist, waist belt is like a pink red stream, gurgling flowing to both sides, until the encounter, composed of a powder peach belt, it is matched!


A yellow smiling girl standing in the doorway, cream colored eyes, like water, turned in his face.


She is like a statue, is always a facial expression: neither pleasure nor sorrow, unhurried, not impatient jiao.


The car driving on the highway to go by like the wind. The driver is over fifty, tall, bronzed face, wearing a blue overalls, wearing a beige peaked cap, a sparse white hair from the brim flowing out. There is such a driver to drive, so that people have a sense of security.


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