
关于颜色的英语手抄报 关于颜色的英语手抄报内容

时间:2023-06-05 05:26:18 文/阿林 经验北考网www.beiweimall.com


Color is a visual effect on light produced by the eyes, brain and our life experience. Human perception of color is not only determined by the physical properties of light. For example, human perception of color is often affected by surrounding colors. Sometimes people call the physical properties of substances that produce different colors directly as colors.





The visual shock is strong, making people feel active, enthusiastic, vigorous and energetic. In peoples concept, red is often associated with auspiciousness, good luck, and joy, and it naturally becomes a common color in festivals and celebrations. At the same time, red is easily associated with blood and artillery, with a sense of life, beating, and the association of dangerous and terrifying blood. Fire extinguishers and fire trucks are all red.




Gentle and delicate colors, there is a strong sense of warmth, making people feel happy and pure. Withered plants are often pale yellow, and have the associations of senescence, old age, and dusk, and can also remind people of highly nutritious egg yolks, butter and other foods. However, yellow is related to disease and weakness, and plant decay and withering are also related to yellow. Therefore, yellow makes people feel empty, poor and unhealthy.


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