
hymn歌词 hymn歌词是什么

时间:2023-06-05 19:37:53 文/秦风学 经验北考网www.beiweimall.com


Valleys deep and the mountain so high

If you wanna see god youve gotta move on the other side

You stand up there with your head in the clouds

Dont try to fly you know you might not come down

Dont try to fly dear god you might not come down

Jesus came down from heaven to earth

The people said it was a virgin birth

Jesus came down from heaven to earth

The people said it was a virgin birth

The people said it was a virgin birth

He told great stories of the lord

And said he was the saviour of us all

He told great stories of the lord

And said he was the saviour of us all

And said he was the saviour of us all

For this we killed him nailed him up high

He rose again as if to ask us why

Then he ascended into the sky

As if to say in god alone you soar

As if to say in god alone we fly

Valleys deep and the mountain so high

If you wanna see god youve gotta move on the other side

You stand up there with your head in the clouds

Dont try to fly you know you might not come down

Dont try to fly dear god you might not come down



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