
关于地震的英语作文 地震的英语作文范文

时间:2023-06-16 00:56:49 文/张东东 经验北考网www.beiweimall.com

1、Strong sichuan earthquake shook the heart of every Chinese. One billion three hundred million pairs of eyes watching the same place, blood on the first line of the seismic, thousands of miles away to transfer the frequent reverberate and blessing, frontline staff to create a another the miracle of life.

When disaster comes, you cried? With a sharp in the heart, quietly told myself: dont cry, strong! Earthquake make disaster areas such as have silence, destroyed their homes, destroyed the original sound family, but love remains eternal. Mother used body to protect the lives of children, teachers care for the students with love with open arms the infant body. Too much too much love in the disaster seems to be very hard.

When disaster comes, you heart hurt? Thousands of words have been surprised by tu as the disaster, the sincere tears cant help sliding down the corner of my eye, is low in the ruins of the dust. Your heart tightly and search and rescue personnel heart together; Rescued after joy, tears and blood mixed together!

When disaster comes, you mourn? Tears blurred eyes work, the suffering of the disaster area each in my mind emerge, the fear and strong with something of fragile, do not scratch soul has become the vicissitudes of life, but looked down again at the same time tightly clenched fists.

Disaster is not terrible, because we are together, in the effort!








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