

时间:2023-06-19 02:37:16 文/莉落 节日北考网www.beiweimall.com


Chinese new year is a chinese traditional festival. we also call it the spring festival. it is on lunar january 1st.

On new year’s eve, all the people sit around the desk and have a big family dinner. there are some vegetables, some fish, some meat, some fruits and some drink like juice, coke, pepsi and some nice wine. overall, this is a good and delicious dinner. after dinner, we always watch tv new year progammes. we have a wonderful evening on new year’s eve.

On the first day of the spring festival, most of people get up early and say “happy new year” to each other. for breakfast, people often eat dumplings and baozi. after breakfast, people often make many delicious foods, and children often play cards, computer games and fireworks. on the second and third day, we visit friends and relatives.

Everyone is busy on chinese new year, and everyone is happy, too.


A new year ,a new start, when I stand on the edge of the a new year, I can't help thinking about my plan of next year. Just as the old saying:“Well began is the half of the success.”So I decide that I should be at work while the others are still relaxing ,and then ,at the beginning ,I'm quicker than the others and of course I will get better result than the others. But ,what I really decide to do is that I must make good of anytime I can spare though it seems impossible. While, I will do my best to live up with what I have planned, and the result will prove it.


Today is the first day of the New Year, the morning of fresh air and sunshine, mother took me to feel the New Year's day outside the atmosphere. Street vehicle comings and goings, flowing very lively, mother took me to the supermarket to buy things, supermarket bustling, originally people rush to buy New Year gift! My mother said he wanted to buy a toy, I say: "I is the big kid don't car these toys, it would save some money to buy school things," then I will take some learning supplies and a cake billet to do our own cake to celebrate New Year's day. On the way back to my grandma's I saw many shops, supermarkets in glass written on New Year's day wishes everybody happy, return to my grandma's I took the cake billet and brother in above the text is made. Less than half an hour a nifty bright homemade cake will appear in the present, this is really a happy New Year!


Today is New Year's day, is the beginning of a New Year. Time is like a long river of memory, and in a hurry flows quietly, the blink of an eye, ushered in the New Year. New New Year's day, "four gas Wan Shouchu today", today is the start of the New Year, New Year's day.

Grandma to package dumplings, and took one yuan, cleaning for many times. I'm curious, strange grandma asked: "grandma, what are you doing with a dollar money?" Grandma say with smile: "little granddaughter, you still small, do not understand, every New Year's day to every household to eat dumplings, and RMB with a purse in it. If anyone got this money, god will bless her in a year in peace." "Then I must eat the" I'm happy to shout loudly.

I'm worried, really want to see the hot dumplings, and the peace of the lucky money. A little later, grandma just cooked dumplings to come out and see mom and dad the saliva flow. I ran to the table first, left see right to see, or didn't see the money. Finally, I set a bowl of rich dumplings, I think. Dad was the last to, so he ate the last bowl.

"Ah, good hard." Father shouted.

The original money in dad's bowl, alas! I am the first pick, don't have money, and dad is finally eat people pick up, but he got the money. This is called "than" day is man!

All in all, 2020 New Year's day, I'm glad!


December 31 is New Year's Day celebration in our school open day, and we happily went to school.

Into the classroom, the first Indian into my eyes is that both the TV and lamp hung colorful ribbons, the windows close to the colorful balloons. School playground is also wearing ribbons, flags stuck in ... ...

Celebration began, first of all is our math teacher dressed as Santa Claus look like to the podium to us fortunate to paper airplane flying, and then Miaomiao a small team to join the Young Pioneers of the ceremony, students, and finally the image of Kentucky spokesman for odd-odd students with school jump rhythmic gymnastics, the students were all smile.

Peony activities began, and I came to the second grade class to participate in "pasting the nose" game, I saw some students were posted to the previous, some students were posted to the ear, as well as students posted to the wall, next to the amused the students laughed. My turn, and the teacher first with Bumeng live my eyes, then I switch to a few times, I turn too confusing, do not get anything East and West, I carefully took the stage, thinking: "If the wrong paste the students will laugh at me, forget, just-do, bite the bullet and paste bar! "I'm just a paste, just listen hearty rounds of applause came behind me and I quickly saw, the location just Good, impartial distortion. I triumphantly walked out of the second group of classrooms.


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