
《My Favorite Colours》的教学设计

时间:2023-07-15 20:13:17 文/马振华 教学设计北考网www.beiweimall.com

《My Favorite Colours》的教学设计

  Teaching Aims:

  Key Words: pink orange white black brown green blue

  Sentence Structure: Is this a…? Yes/No。

  Key Points: What is your favourite colour?

  I like…

  My favourite colour is…

  … is my favourite colour

  Teaching Aids: tape tape recorder pigments

  Teaching stages:

  Ⅰ。 Warming—up

  1。 Hello boys and girls。 Today we will talk about colours。 How many colours do you know?

  (Stimulate students to find out some colours that they have learned)

  2。Say and Point

  Teacher: Point something red。

  Students: Point to something red in the classroom。

  ( invite one volunteer to come to the front and give the orders)

  Ⅱ。 New Concepts

  1。Teacher: My favourite colour is blue。 What is your favourite colour?

  Students: My favourite colour is …

  I like…[=www。XXJXSJ。cn=]

  … is my favourite colour

  ( Show them different ways to response the question)


  Give students 3 minutes to make up dialogues according to the example above。

  ( teacher walk around students to check their work and offer help as long as possible)

  3。Mix colours

  Teacher: Just now, we talked about many kinds of colours。 But today I only take five colours with me 。 They are red, yellow, blue, white and black。 ( show students the pigments and encourage them to say them in English)。 We can try to mix any two of them and receive new colours。

  ( give students ten minutes to create new colours with the five colours。 After the activity, invite some of them to express how to make green, pink, orange, purple etc。)

  Result: Red and blue make purple。

  Red and yellow make orange。

  Blue and yellow make green。

  Red and white make pink。

  4。Listen to the tape

  Part two : Favourite colours。

  Before listening to the tape, show students some questions。 For instance: What is Danny’s favourite colour? Do Jenny and Danny like the same colour?

  5。Draw and colour

  T: Please draw a red apple。 ( teacher draw a red apple on the blackboard。)

  Is this a red apple?

  Ss: Yes。

  T: Draw a green tree。 ( teacher draw a green tree on the blackboard) Is this a green tree?

  Ss: Yes。

  T: Draw two blue chairs。 ( teacher draw two purple chairs on the blackboard) Are they blue chairs?

  Ss: No。

  T: Draw…

  ( use this way to practice the sentence structure: Is this…?)

  6。Open the textbook and read try to read part one 。

  5 minutes later check their reading。

  Ⅲ。 Class closing。

  Homework: Draw a picture and try to use all your favourite colours。

  Ⅳ。 Writing on the blackboard

  Lesson 25 My Fvourite Colours

  What is your favourite colour? Is this a …? Yes。

  I like…/ My favourite colour is… No。

  … is my favourite colour。


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