《At the Airport》优秀教学设计
教学目的:1、知识与技能:本课要求学生能正确听、说、读、数字1-1000。 会口头运用句子:“ What time is it ? It’s __________ ”。2、情感态度价值观:运用多种教学手段激发学生学习英语的积极性,并力争能够让学生人人参与,通过鼓励、表扬来让学生有成就感,对自己充满信心。
板书设计:Lesson 1: At the Airport
1:45 one forty five 2:10 two ten 5:37 five thirty seven 8:00 eight o’clock
2:10 two ten or ten past two 4:30 four thirty or half past three 9:00 nine o’clock or nine “ What time is it ? It’s________ ”.
1) Greeting
2) Review
① Play“ The number game” to review number , play with numbers up to ten thousand .
② Review the phrases :
What day is it ? What time is it ?
Step 2 : Presentation and practice
1、Teaching “ What time is it ? ”
1) Use a big clock to teach “ What time is it ? ”
2) Demonstrate : More the hands on the clock as I ask and answer the question . Then get volunteers to answer the question . Here’s a simple way to say some times in English .
1:45 one forty five
2:10 two ten
5:37 five thirty seven
8:00 eight o’clock
3)Extend knowledge :
2:10 two ten or ten past two
4:30 four thirty or half past three
9:00 nine o’clock or nine
4) Practice :
① Practice in pairs
②Ask the volunteers to more the hands on the clock as they ask and answer the question .
2、Teaching “ the text ”
1) When the students listen to the tape , think over the question :
①Where do Jenny , Danny , Li Ming live ?
②Why is Li Ming coming to Canada ? 教学侧记
③When does Li Ming arrive ?
When will Li Ming go home ?
How long will Li Ming live in Canada ?
④How does he come ?
⑤What time did Li Ming’s plane arrive ?
⑥Who meets him at the airport ?
⑦Did he have a good trip ?
2)Read the dialogue and discuss the questions in groups .
3)Ask the students to answer the questions .
4)Read by themselves , then read role-play .
Step 3 Consolidation
Make up a dialogue about meeting someone at the airport . Divide the class into small groups . Ask each group to include in their dialogue the question and answer . “ What time is it ? It’s ”Enounce the students to be creative and to use as many English phrases as they can .
Step 4 Summary
This lesson we understand that Li Ming arrived Canada . Danny and Jenny meet Li Ming at an airport . We learned how to ask and answer the phrases “ What time is it ? It’s ”.
Step 5 Homework
Write “What time is it ? It’s ________. ”
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