

时间:2023-06-08 17:24:16 文/孙小飞 教学课件北考网www.beiweimall.com



  掌握四会词汇:holiday bring give song tomorrow


  教学重点:四会掌握holiday bring give song tomorrow  Christmas tree, Christmas lights, Santa 等词组和单词




  Step 1:  Free talk.

  Step 2:  New lesson .

  1.What’s Christmas? It’s a Western holiday. Christmas, say it, please. On a holiday, people don’t work. Children don’t go to school. Talk about the  holidays.

  2. Christmas is special. Why? Because we have some special things. Look, this is a special tree. It’s a Christmas tree. Point to the Christmas tree in the front of the blackboard. On Christmas, we can see a special man, too. Look, here is he. (Show Santa.) Do you know his name? His name is Santa. Please discuss it in groups and answer.

  Step 3: Practise in groups. Answer some questions: What  holiday is it? What do you see?

  Step 4: The text on Page 56.

  1.Show the words on the blackboard with actions: invite, bring, give, sing, carol (a special song at Christmas). The students learn to say it.

  2. Please look at the pictures and listen what do they do on Christmas? Then the students answer.

  3.What will you do on this Christmas ? Please talk about it in groups. Then you can come to the front and make a role-play.

  4.Read after the audiotape.

  Step 5: Students read the text and match the answers.Then let them have a discussion.


  Lesson 19 Christmas is coming!

  Christmas tree  Santa  Christmas lights

  When is Christmas?  It’s December 25th.

  holiday bring give song tomorrow


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