

时间:2023-06-12 00:55:59 文/莉落 教学课件北考网www.beiweimall.com



  1. 知识目标:

  (1)词汇: lady, gentleman, for sale, satisfy, guest,

  menu, wine, bill。


  Here’s a table for two.

  Here’s the menu.

  May I take your order?

  We’d like Beijing Roast Duck and vegetable soup.

  Anything else?

  May I have the bill, please?

  Which kind of drink would you like, beer, wine or a soft drink?

  Here’s your change.

  Thanks for coming!


  Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to

  International School!

  We’ll try to satisfy all the guests.

  Let’s wish them success! Enjoy yourselves!

  2. 能力目标:着重训练学生口语应用能力,将所学的知识运用到实际的就餐交际情景中去。

  3. 情感目标: 培养学生学习英语的浓厚兴趣,乐于参加各种英语实践活动,培养其合作能力,帮助学生了解西方饮食文化,树立学习英语的信心。



  Here’s a table for two.

  Here’s the menu.

  May I take your order?

  Here’s your change.

  Anything else?

  May I have the bill, please?

  Here’s your change.

  Thanks for coming!

  We’d like Beijing Roast Duck and vegetable


  Which kind of drink would you like, beer, wine or a soft drink?


  be for sale

  satisfy sb

  wish sb sth enjoy yourselves



  Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具


  Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

  Step 1 Review

  1. Sing the song : Pat a cake in SectionCTopic2.

  2. Free talk: Get two students to talk something about Daniel Igali.

  3. Show the food and drinks for the students to look and say.

  T: First foreign food(quick response).

  S1…, S2…etc.

  T:Now Row1,please.

  T: There are so many kinds of foods and drinks. What

  would you like to have? Let the students to ask and answer in chains.

  S1: I’d like to have a hamburger and a glass of coke. What would you like to have?

  S2: I’d like……

  T: Thank you. Now here’s good news for you. Ren’ai International Food festival is open now!

  Would you like to go with me?

  Ss:Yes,I’d love to.

  T: But we need to make an opening speech.Do you know how to make it?

  S1:No I don’t.

  T:Don’t worry.Let’s discuss in groups.


  The teacher sum up the sentence patterns. Let the students read them aloud.

  T:OK! Everything is ready. Well, I can’t wait to see the opening ceremony of the food festival. Let’s go! Step 2 Presentation

  1.T: Boys and girls! Welcome to the food festival! Different delicious food are for sale,such as…… There are many people. They all look happy. There is a boy and a girl in the center.They are host and hostess. Now listen carefully and underline the sentences about the opening speech.

  2. Please listen again and try to follow it.


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