

时间:2023-06-13 17:58:33 文/莉落 教案北考网www.beiweimall.com




  Key vocabulary: ancient, club, composition, pupil, meeting, call, even

  Key structures: That’s news to me!  What’s it about?   Listen up, everyone.

  Anyone else?  That’s a fantastic idea listen up


  Get to know the wonders of the world


  Language points


  多媒体,tape 课时 2


  Step1 Warming-up and listening

  1. Look at some pictures of the wonders of the world.

  2. Talk about the picture. You can use the words in the box to help you.

  3. Listen and check the words you hear.

  Step 2 Listening and reading

  1. (Close the books) Listen to the tape carefully.

  2. Ask the students to read through the conversation individually.

  3. Play the tape and have them read and follow.

  4. Act it out.

  5. Learn Everyday English

  Step 3 Do Exercises

  1. Choose the best answer in Activity 4.

  2. Listen again and check.

  3. Answer the questions in Activity 5.

  Step 4 Explain the important and difficult points

  Step 5 Pronunciation and speaking

  1. Listen to the sentences.

  2. Listen and repeat.

  3. Say the sentences aloud.

  Step 6 Homework

  Finish the exercises in the workbook Ex. 1, 2, 3&4


  Revise what we learnt last term.

  Show the pictures and learn the new words.

  Read the key sentences.

  Read the dialogue in roles.


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