1、通过听听、看看、玩玩等活动,帮助幼儿初步了解故事内容,英语教案:Its raining。
2、重点掌握单词:tree、flower and grass。
活动准备:trees、flower and grasses的`背景图和单词卡片各一幅;太阳和乌云的图片,教案《英语教案:Its raining》。
活动流程:Greeting—Read the story—Learn:tree、flower、grass—Act
1、Good morning boys and girls.(or:say hello to the teacher.)
2、(1)What’s the weather like today?(show the sun picture)
A sunny day.
(2)Do you like sunny day?Why?Tell me the reason.
二、Read the story:
Today,I will give you ashort story.
1、Listen to the radio.(First,please listen the radio and look at the picture.Then guess what happen in the story.)
2、Question:Who can tell me what happened in the story?
三、Learn new words:
1、Show the new words cards:
In this story,we have some new words.They are tree、flower and grass.
2、Game:Which is lost?
四、Act the story with teacher:
1、Listen to the music and act some animals.
2、Act the hole story.
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