
五年级上册《I don`t believe it!》教案范文

时间:2023-06-17 13:13:02 文/莉落 教案北考网www.beiweimall.com

五年级上册《I don`t believe it!》教案范文


  1.Pandas eat for twelve hours a day.

  2.They love bamboo.

  3.The snake thins the flute is another snake!




  Tell the students to get ready tow pieces of paper.

  On one piece of paper, ask them to draw a happy face and on the other piece of paper, ask the to draw a sad face.

  Now tell them that you are going to call out the names of things and thy have to decide if they like or don?t like them, by holing up the sad face they should say?i don?t like it!?

  Example :T: (points to a student)football!

  S1: holds up the sad face0i don?t like it!

  T(point to another student)Snakes!

  S2(holds up the happy face)I like it!

  Now ,extend the activety by introducing?I love it?。

  二、listen ,point and find ?say, eat, love, lookat?and ?think?。

  Tell the students to close their student?s books.

  Tell them to listen to the recording and write down all the animals they can hear in the recouding.

  Now ask them to open their student?s books and read the dialogue aloud.

  Then invite two more able students to come up to the front of the class and carry out the role_play oithout looking at their students books.

  三、ask and answer in pairs.

  Questions:do you like …?(snakes/nookles/pandas/football/rice/fish)

  Then, invite two students to conduct the following role_play. Write their names in the boxes.

  四、 talk about you and your partner.

  After doing activity 3, invite students to come up and report on their findings.

  Example: I like pandas. Wang Wei doesn?t like pandas. I don?t like football but Wang wei lides football. We like rice!


  read the dialogue.


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