

时间:2023-06-08 03:57:21 文/阿林 教案北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Unit 4 When was it invented? Sectin B

  知识目标: After learning the text, require the students t aster the phrases belw


  invent, ppular drin, b accident, nt…until, discver, accrding t, Chinese legend, bil, an pen fire, fall(fell) int, reain(ed), ntice(d), prduce(d), in this wa

  能力目标:1.Practice the students’ listening abilit. (听力训练)

  2. As the students t understand the passage ver well and answer se

  questins accrding t the passage.


  3. Useful phrases fr the students t retell the new text.


  情感态势:Train the students t use their heads and ae se inventins in life.


  学习策略:1.chips’ histr (a freign inventin) →tea(Chinese inventin)

  2.wr in grups and slve prbles tgether


  Step 1 Wrds revisin


  Step 2 A listening test

  The histr f ptat chips

  ① _____________________that ptat chips were invented b istae?

  Ptat chips ②_______________b a chef called Gerge Cru. The were invented in

  ③__________ .Gerge Cru ced the fr a lng tie until the ④__________.And he sprinledlts f salt n the s the were ⑤__________.

  Step 3 Wr in grups,read thrugh the passage,and then answer se questins.

  Step 4 Find ut the fllwing pints:

  1.althugh __________________________________________________________________

  eg.用althugh/thugh 或bu t填空

  __________ he is ver ld, he still wrs hard. He is ver ld, __________ he still wrs hard.


  ①________________ 100多年前______________ 同义词_____________

  ②________________ 河上的一座桥________________

  3….. three thusand ears , thusands f


  拓展:hundred, illin







  Step 5 Retell the passage b using the e phrases.

  Step 6 Exercises fr training.


  1.被…发现 ______________________ 2.根据______________


  4.fall int___________ 5.prduce a pleasant sell________________


  1.A___________ t weather reprt,we are ging t have a few rain das.

  2.Alice t A’s bag ___________________.(错误地)

  3. (09青岛中考)Chen Hui __ cputer gaes, but nw he gives the up and studies hard.

  A.is used t plaing B.is used t pla C.used t pla D.is used fr plaing

  4. (09聊城中考)Li Ming will be 12 next nth.A new bie __ fr hi as a present. A.is bught B.was bught C.will be bught D.will bu


  Mr Green was fund _____ ________ that he had a gd taste fr Chinese traditinal art.

  6.Edisn invented light bulbs.(变为被动句) _____________________________

  Step 7 Hewr:1. 预习Reading 部分生词和课文。

  2. 完成学案Sectin B练习。

  Step 8 课后学与思:___________________________________________


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