
Unit5 My new room教案

时间:2023-06-04 04:12:25 文/秦风学 教案北考网www.beiweimall.com

Unit5 My new room教案

  Unit5 My new room Part B Let’slearn

  Step 1 Warm-up:Let’s chant

  Step 2 GreetingsT:Today we will have a new lesson.I’ll devide youinto two groups,monkey group and rabbit group.Let’s see who can gethere.If you are here first,you are the winner.And all of you inthis group can get stickers.Understand?

  Step 3 RevisionPlay a game “What’s missing”

  Step 4 Presentation1.T:There is a cat in the room,what is it doing?It’s finding the mouse.But where is the mouse? Let’s help the catfind the mouse ,ok?Ss:ok!2.(CAI)show the picture of the roomT:Look,where is the mouse?S1:It’s on the box.T:(师带读on 4 times)Who can spell “on”? (read and spell in 4groups)Then,the wholeclass spell ,and T write the word “on”and Ss read thesentences“where is the ..it’s..”use the same way to teach “in (read and spell in 4 groups),under,near( spell inpersonal)”Do actions:Put your English on/in/under/near thedesk.T:Look,where is the mouse? Is it under/in/on thebox?Ss:No.T:Where is the mouse? Ss: It’s over the box.带读,拼,小组读,(开火车读one by one )区分on,over(摆出相应位置)T:Where is the mouse,now? It’s in front of thecat.多带几遍,分四组读,拼,市小学英语高效课堂观摩研讨会上课教案。T:look at the mouse ,is it in front of thecloset?Ss:No.T:Yes ,it’s not in front of the closet.It’s behind thecurtains.开火车分两列开,区分in front of,behind.?(摆出相应位置)Now ,let’s read these new wordstogether.(伴有手势)师先示范,生齐说,齐做。Step 5 Gameguessing gameStep 6 Practisefind mistakesStep 7 Homework

  Unit 5 My newroom

  教学内容: Unit 5 My newroom

  Ⅱ 教学目标: 1、能够听、说、认读句子:There is/are … near / … the…和The … is/are near /… the…并能在情景中运用。2、能够运用所学句型对房间摆设作介绍。

  Ⅲ 教学重点:使学生熟练掌握There be 结构较长句式表达法。难点:The books are on the shelf一句为复数句式,在教学中不应强调语法,而重在结合图画让学生理解语意。

  Ⅳ 教学过程

  Step 1 Warm-up &Revision① Greetings②Let’s sing a song---Mybedroom③Show a box and mirror .Ask :T: Where is the mirror ?S:It’s in / on… the box .

  Step 2 Presentation &Practice1、Listen and match①Answer : What can you see? Ican see ……②Listen and match thepictures③Check theanswer2、Speaking :Talking about pictures. Show a pictureof teacher’s room . Let some students talk in groups using : What’s in myroom ?There is / are ……3、Listen to “Let’s talk”.① Listen to “Let’s talk”.②Show a picture of desk ,closet … Then let students one by one . There is / are……③Let’s say (read in groups)

  Step 3 Consolidation andextension① Do exercise② Design a picture of own room ,then discuss in groups .

  Ⅴ 板书设计

  Unit 5 My newroomThere is / are……on…There is /are… next…behind …

  Unit 5 This Is My New Room

  一、Teaching Aims:1.Can read and understand“Let’s read”.2.Can use the preposition andthe furniture words to describe the room in the reallife.3.Grasp thesentences:“There be……”“The closet is (near) thetable.

  二、Teaching Difficult and ImportantPoints:1.Grasp the key words and thekey sentences.2.Can introduce their ownroom.

  三、Teaching Prepare:Cards, CIA,PP.

  四、Teaching Process:Step1:Warm-up/Revision.1. Review thepreposition.2.Do exercises about thepreposition.Step2:Pre-read.1.Ask andanswer.T:Where is the……?Ss:It’s ( )the desk.Step3:Presentation.1.Look,listen andanswer.T:Guess! Whose room is it?2.Listen, read andjudge.(Find out the originalsentences)①There is a small table in theroom.②There are white curtains inthe room.③The closet is on thetable.④The trash bin is in front ofthe door.⑤There is a mirror and anair-conditioner in the room.⑥The computer is on thetable.3.Listen,read andchoose.①The closet is thetable.A.onB.underC.near②The trash bin isthedoor.A.overB.behindC.in front of③The mirror is theair-condrtioner.A.inB.overC.under④Many clothes arethecloset.A.inB.underC.behind⑤What’s on thetable?A.There is a book.B.There is a chair.C.There is a computer.4.Look and repeat “Let’sread”.Step4.Practise.1.This Is My Room: Finish thesentences with prep.2.Look andsay.Step5. Consolidationand extension.1.Design your own room:What’syour room like?


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